Here we are in the year 2020, we all knew it was coming, so no big surprise.

Yet, have you prepared yourself, do you have a 20/20 vision for 2020?

This will be the best year ever to have that 20/20 vision aka a clear vision for your future, you get a double whammy.

How clear is your vision for 2020 and beyond? What is it that you are crystal clear about that you are going to create for your life?

Learning a new skill?
Getting fit and drop pounds?
Get married, start a family
Change jobs, start a work-from-home income?

What …… ?

New Year, New Decade, so exciting, are you going to follow your heart finally or are you already and are you going to improve on that?

If you have been dreaming, thinking for years about what you would do if you did not have that job you do not like, then this is truly the time to start paying attention to your feelings.

What do you want exactly? Not always easy, but you can start. And writing by hand is always the best way.

Important question could be: What will your perfect day look like?

That’ll get you thinking. Write down a few bullet points and then start to expand on that. Write down how your senses (hear, see, smell, taste and touch) are in the thoughts as well, write them down.

Write down your relationships, with your spouse, friends, your co-workers.
Write down what you do not like, and then write down what you do like it to be.
Are you fulfilled in your work? What is your business like, what would you like it to be like?

How do you take care of you? Fitness, sports, relaxing, reading, DIYs, being of service to others.

The New Year, especially 2020, does not have to be a New You – just start making improvements, tweak yourself, you know what to do, you’ve been thinking about it for a long time, putting it off, yet now is the time. If not now, when? Right?

What about cleaning out your room, your home, make room for new energy to come in, it will give you a new perspective on your life. But in order to do that, you have to let go of old stuff that no longer serves you.

Wipe the cobwebs away in order to see clearly, especially now in 2020! 20/20 Vision for this year and beyond.

Take a clear inventory also of your friends – are they supporting you in anything new, or is it always the same old/same old, you are the initiative taker. Perhaps time to have some serious talks or simply see them less often and shorter till it withers away and new people come in.

Most important to get, have and keep a 20/20 vision is space, room to let new energy come in; clean house where you know you can do. Be surprised not only how good that feels, but also watch as new things, opportunities come to you.

Meditate about how you want this year to unfold, the next 3 years. Do this twice daily, and give thanks for the things you noticed made you feel good during the day. You can also journal about it. I am not that good at doing that, I walk around giving thanks for everything all day long, plus before I close my eyes at night, I say thanks as well to the Universe.

So much has been said and written about Goal Setting and Goal Getting. I followed a lot of that, and then beat myself up joyfully when it did not pan out. 

Don’t make that mistake. Get a clear vision of what direction you want to go, and if you are already going on the right path, great, then envision how you can improve. But do NOT beat yourself up. Listen to your feelings, if it feels good do it, if not, don't!

Everything happens for a reason, and when the time is right, i.e. when you are aligned with the Universe, things move and your world starts to change. Do not write down into the minute detail what you want and when. You may not even notice minute changes, you may just get a small feeling, and then a bit down the line, you look back and go WOW, look at me!

Praise yourself for noticing change. Love yourself for it.

“If you want to make Source Energy/God laugh, tell them your plans!” I’m sure you must have heard that one.

The time has to be right, which means you have to have done your preparation work for things to manifest, meaning you have to be in the right vibration, you have to have made changes within yourself, to receive what it is you Desire.

Then Believe it will come to pass, and lastly Expect it!
Remember, 2020 is your 20/20 – be as clear as you can about the direction you want to do – the Universe will fill in the rest, just trust in that, and expect it.

You do not have to spend a fortune on programs or whatever else is offered to you in this new decade, turn within, meditate, trust your Self, and do the work. You will see the changes unfold without any stress. Just love yourself for doing it this way.

I sincerely hope you enjoyed reading the information as much as I enjoyed writing it. 

Be well, enjoy life!

Check out my videos:

And as always, the information I just shared with you is based on many years of training from my mentors, my interpretation of that, connecting the dots, observing human behavior in everyday life, my own interpretation of that again and allowing Source Energy to create this information through me. Do your own research; I am merely expressing what I deeply feel, and perhaps if this information resonates with you, it may perhaps help you move forward.