ENERGY – the source of all things alive

It starts already the moment you open your eyes, that takes energy, and you look at the clock beside your bed to see if you have to get out of jump out of bed – difference depends on the time, yet the one I like best is looking the clock and realizing it is Sunday so I can turn over one more time, which takes energy as well.

Since I just renewed my energy during my sleeping hours, I should be good to go all day lying in front of me, should I … or? It depends on what kind of food I will nourish myself on from this moment forward – I am not referring to just physical food that I put in my mouth, I am actually as much or perhaps even more referring to the mental food I will nourish myself with to give myself energy to last the day (and more).

It is a given that we need food to stay alive; food like breakfast, lunch, dinner, in between snacks, comfort snacks and whatever-I-like-snacks – that kind of energy, because food is nothing else but energy keeps me going and vibrant or slows me down and wears me down, depending on what ingredients I put in my sustenance. Alive food, meaning not processed to pulp and unrecognizable, artificially flavored and colored morsels, no alive food – all those healthy greens, ripe fruits, lean chicken, turkey and wild fish, quickly sautéed or totally raw, give my body the energy I need – as well as clean water or tea to help my body process it, remember we are 75% water.

If I can provide myself with this kind of sustenance than I am already part of the way, yet what really gets me going is my mental energy, my passion for the day ahead of me, my enthusiasm to get things going, things I was not able to finish yesterday or things that I need to take in steps because that is how the process works.

Mental energy is something you give to yourself as well. Mental energy in first instance is acquired by looking at your life in a positive, optimistic way – that starts to wake up all cells in your body, brings them to a high vibration, a vibration that makes you feel alive, radiant.
Mental energy comes from the thoughts you hold all day long, or how you deal with situations throughout your day, actually throughout your life.

Have you ever observed your thoughts, have you ever thought about what you are thinking about? Very interesting. Here is an acronym you may want to remember: WAIT – What Am I Thinking? Think about that. Print that acronym in various fonts and sizes and then stick it onto your water bottle, the mirror in your car, your wallet, wherever you look often, just as a reminder. Trust me, it will give you energy, because you stir something within yourself, you wake yourself up to your life.

You can create oodles of mental energy that puts your body into action which gives you results, by thinking about what you want to do today and how you are going to handle all of that, and if you have no idea what to do, think about what you would like to do, create something that gets you excited, that gets you to jump out of bed, something you are enthusiastic about because it is new, it is different. And don’t let anybody burst your balloon, just do what your heart tells you to do, you can always adjust the sails as you are sailing along on the winds of the passion you feel bubbling up inside of you for that new project.

Mental energy is also something you get when you (finally after a long time) realize that every challenge, every hurdle, every ‘problem’ is a blessing in disguise, because it helps you to grow through it, become a better person, meet yourself, improve yourself.

Last year has given me oodles of mental energy by realizing more and more that every day brings tons of blessings, however, a bunch of them are wrapped in challenges and problems. I find it exciting to think about them in bed when I wake up and give myself direction on how to handle them.

And then when I have tackled them, I get the reward – more mental energy to move forward to the next challenge, because if there are no more challenges, life becomes utterly boring and my energy gets sapped.

I realize that the Universe never gives me any bigger challenges than I can handle, it is always perfect for me – I have come to this place in my life where I now fully realize this, take responsibility for it and welcome it. Live is good, life is great, I love life, life is energy and I am full of it!

The more your energy is really flowing, wildly perhaps sometimes, the better you feel, would you agree? Why? Simple. When you are energized that means you are feeling happy and what happens then is that you, as a chemical manufacturing plant, create a juice that is released in your bloodstream and nourishes/pampers your cells, it feeds them happiness.
This gives you a happy life feeling, thus this Happy Life Juice is essential for your longevity, as you thrive, you continue to live longer, no physical problem, nothing breaking down, slowing you down, stopping you from a full experience of life.

If, however, you do not feel so good, not energized, you create Unhappy Life Juice that zaps your energy, does not support the health of your cells, which are the building blocks of your body. Your cells mutate, go funky, protest by starting to do their own thing, riot, become weird, create dis-harmony in your body - aka dis-ease!

I sincerely hope you enjoyed reading the information as much as I enjoyed writing it. 

Be well, enjoy life!

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And as always, the information I just shared with you is based on many years of training from my mentors, my interpretation of that, connecting the dots, observing human behavior in everyday life, my own interpretation of that again and allowing Source Energy to create this information through me. Do your own research; I am merely expressing what I deeply feel, and perhaps if this information resonates with you, it may perhaps help you move forward.