.... of cause and effect?

Why don't we want to connect the dots? Probably because it is too painful to look at the cause. Or we have no clue whatsoever about the cause and effect rule or what to do.

So let’s dissect this for a moment.

Have you ever cut yourself with a knife while preparing dinner? If you have, don’t you make a mental note to pay more attention?

Have you ever done any yard work, like trimming the rose bushes or here in Arizona, trimming any kind of bush or tree, and cut yourself on the thorns and needles. Would you make a mental note to wear gloves and perhaps even a long sleeved shirt next time you do it?

So what causes the cuts and tears on your skin. The knife or the thorns and needles, right?

What is that?

That is cause and effect!

Would you agree?

The cause is the knife, the thorns, the needles. The effect is your damaged skin.

So why don’t we connect the dots when we have any pain in our body? A headache, a shooting pain in our knee, crippling pain in our hand or fingers, without having done any yard work, moving houses or strenuous fitness training.
Because we simply have no idea for the most part, that the thoughts we hold in our mind, over a longer period of time, and that can be any length of time, causes an effect in our body.

Our body is a reflection of what goes on in our mind.


Unfortunately, we have been trained, and continue to be trained at an increasing speed that if we have a pain, we run to the doctor who is trained solely in determining that you have a pain somewhere, and prescribing a synthetic drug to numb that pain. He knows nothing, absolutely nothing about the underlying cause.

He is not trained that way, because his training arena is determined by the pharmaceutical companies and the insurance companies. Period. If you ever meet an honest medical practitioner, which I have, they will tell you that that is so very true, and that in hindsight many are sorry about that. However, now they are sucked into the system, and money is ever so tempting, so why bother change. Only a few, very few ever have the guts to go in the opposite direction and look beyond the chemical pool of medications. Some even look at nutrition, YAY!

What did Hippocrates say some 2500 years ago: Let food by thy medicine!

Don’t take my word for anything I write here, do your own research and wonder!

So back to cause and effect. There is no ifs, buts or anything around it! It is law that if you do one thing, another thing is coming forth from that, i.e. a result. Not my idea, just saying.


Now, back to those pains in your body. Back to connecting the dots.
Most of us in this day and age remember Uncle Bob, that guy who was always working his tail off and always worrying about almost anything. And he was always careful what he ate and popping pills for digestion etc. And then he got an ulcer when he was just early 50. We somehow connected those dots, at least I did. Worrying has an effect on your stomach, causes perhaps something worse, like an ulcer.

Why do so few people want to understand the principle of cause and effect with regard to the body and the mind. You see, everything the body displays is a reflection of what goes on in the mind.

Feel unhappy? You will either get hungry and stuff your face, or deny yourself the pleasure of eating completely. Result, fat or bulimic. Simple. Cause and effect.

Now let’s look at a pain in the neck.

Are you your own pain in your neck, or do you allow someone else to be a pain in your neck. We say it, and guess what - we mean it. Yet, we do not understand that allowing someone to be a pain literally causes ourselves to have that pain. 

Why do you allow it? Because you do not connect the dots, again, between the cause and effect. Because if you allow someone to be a pain long enough, you will get a pain. Most likely in your neck, that is always a great first spot. It can migrate to other places as well, but it usually starts in the neck.

Being your own pain in your neck? Of course. What are you doing that stops you from having joy? Only reason you do get a pain in your neck is because you pinch yourself off from having joy, from allowing yourself to be who you truly are. A human be-ing guided by Source to have an exuberant life.


Because we cannot believe that when it is too good to be true, it is really so good that it is true, because it is.  We are lead to believe that we cannot have it so good, we need to suffer somehow, that is noble. PLUS it gives us an opportunity to get the attention of others, they give us pity and the rest, what we are craving!

We are jealous of those who seem to always have it very good. Very few ever walk up to a visibly successful stranger and ask out right: What is it that you do that you look so fabulous and obviously so successful, do you mind sharing? Have you been like this since your early childhood. I love to learn, thank you. Know anybody who does that??

And then cheer them on, sincerely. If you cannot celebrate someone else’s success you can never achieve, let alone celebrate, yours!

Back to connecting the dots.

Do some observing and checking in with yourself this next week. You see, every pain in a certain body part represents an important issue you may need to look at.

Pain in your foot or knee? Are you moving forward with your plans or just puddling along.

Interesting article you may want to read is from Dr. J.B. Moseley about the placebo effect of knee surgery. Annually here in the US 650.000 knee replacement surgeries are performed at $5000 each. You do the math.

Knee and hip always represent moving forward in life. Check: Heal Your Body by Louise Hay, based on 2500 years of Chinese medicine.

There is more than the modern, pill prescribing so-called medicine!

Yet, the general public loves to deposit their bodies at the doctors and not having to take responsibility for it. Let the doctor fix me, so I can blame him if he doesn’t, maybe even sue him!!


It would be nice if the commercials about pills for “dis-eases” would be banned from TV totally, and people would learn to connect the dots and change their way of thinking and living. But these drugs are too big of a cash-cow. And we are all totally used to it, like cigarette ads in the old days.

There is no money in health. None, hence it’s only going to get worse and worse. The average American is taking 7-9 prescription drugs per day, at a cost not even worth writing down, you can figure that one out. 

Does it help, do these drugs make your life more enjoyable, do they extend your life in a humane way? I doubt it, I’ve read too much to the contrary. Side effects perhaps?

Drugs are easy, often paid for by insurance. Connecting the dots between thinking and behavior, and changing those two is an investment of time in one's self, and most do not want to take that responsibility, nor believe that it’s possible, nor accept that the cause of any health issue was their own; they cannot blame anymore if it was so.
Instant gratification is what most want, and a drug often gives a (short-term) solution.

But what do we do in the meantime, until we understand what we are really doing with this cause and effect issue. The pain in your body, and most every dis-ease starts with a pain, often from stress, is an alarm bell, indicating that something is wrong - IN YOUR THINKING!!!

Then what happens, then what do you create? 

Something I like to call Toxic or Unhappy Life Juice! You are a chemical manufacturing plant, you create toxic juices based on the thoughts you think and those juices get into the bloodstream and reach your cells, any cell. And then that juice wrecks havoc, simple as that. 

We all know what toxicity does to any living organism, so your cells start to die off or mutate and dis-ease a body part. And what does the medical profession do? The prescribe a pill or potion to numb the pain or misery or simply yank that sick part of your body out, expecting the body to become totally healthy again.


Your thinking created the toxic juice that dis-eased your body, so what needs to change??

Your thinking of course!

Do we do that??? Nope. 

Result? The dis-ease is not out of the body, the cause is still there.

What do we need to do? Change our thinking about anything and thus create Happy Life Juice that nourishes and nurtures your cells, makes you feel alive, healthy and happy.

It is not that complicated, we just need to do it to live happily ever after, take responsibility for our own well-being, because honestly, the doctor is only in it for the money - sickness is a trillion dollar industry! Do you want to continue to support that?

The choice is yours!

And as always, the information I just shared with you is based on many years of training from my mentors, my interpretation of that, connecting the dots, observing human behavior in everyday life, my own interpretation of that again and allowing Source Energy to create this information through me. Do your own research; I am merely expressing what I deeply feel, and perhaps if this information resonates with you, it may perhaps help you move forward.

I sincerely hope you enjoyed reading the information as much as I enjoyed writing it. 

Be well, enjoy life!

Please leave me a comment!

Stay connected:




  1. Elvire: Great article on connecting the dots of cause and effect. I couldn't have said it better. Thanks for sharing your wisdom.

    1. Thank you for your kind words. It is what it is, probably too painful, pills are easier! LOL :)
