Who took the course self-love in high school, it was optional, right? Anyone, ANYONE?????

I never saw it on the curriculum and thus worked myself somehow through my teenage years into adulthood and further into maturity. How did that all work out?

Well, looking back now, I believe I could have done better for just that one thing that nobody, not even my parents told me about:


WOW, now that may seem selfish to you, coming from where and how you were raised. Like you have to always give, give, give and be humble etc. Love your neighbor like you love yourself. Hah, another juicy one! How can you love him, if you do not even love yourself! Yah, ever thought about that?

Let’s digress for a moment – the word ‘selfish’ – so very loaded, then and still.

Well, here it is: 
“lacking consideration for others; concerned chiefly with one's own personal profit or pleasure.”
Isn’t that an interesting statement. And we learned and learn this still every day. However, how can you give of yourself if you are not allowed to be concerned with your own pleasure (I like to skip the ‘profit’).

What is one of the basic things of life? That you positively (yes indeed, not negatively) contribute to anything; to someone, a situation etc.

So how do you get positive, I mean, what do you need to do to be and stay positive?
Do whatever you can to look for positive things in life, YOUR life that is, because you cannot be involved in anybody else’s life, you cannot make anybody else positive. They can only see you being positive and adapt to that or ask you how you do that. You can only be a beaming light they feel attracted to. Right?

Don’t tell me you feel attracted to a negative person.

So, when you do anything you can to be positive, to look for the positive side of life, to feel good, to shine, what other word than selfish comes to mind?

And tell me what do you do? You LOVE yourself, don’t you? Isn’t that what you do when you look for things that please you, that make you feel good, that are positive. When you avoid negative situations and people. At the risk of whatever, you are pleasing yourself. Period.
And that is what life is all about! Life is supposed to be fun, joy, pleasing.

So back to that course in self-love.

If you did not get it in school, and if nobody told you about it, you probably never looked for a course in self-love later in life, because you had no idea that that is what you might need to spice up your life. Most people never do, and they wonder why life is so dull, so negative, so ornery – if they are even aware of that, though.

What can you do to learn to love yourself? Because it is vital, yes indeed, literally vital to you, to your health and well-being.

Digress again for a moment.

Why do you think so many mature and senior people have so many health challenges, like cancer, heart problems etc. etc. By not being happy, they are creating Unhappy Life Juice!

Years, decades of grinding life without self-love is what causes that; being unhappy with your life and what you did not accomplish. Sure, toxic environment chips in as well, but when you know what self-love is, you make sure you are not affected by toxins around you. You avoid them at any price. You eat organic and similar; no toxic cleaning products etc. etc.

Self-love means taking care of yourself, looking out for #1 at all times, even when people say or think that that is selfish. Honestly, read the book: What you think of me is none of my business by Terri Cole-Whittaker. Very worth it. You cannot learn this information young enough!

Self-love is not only honoring, accepting, acknowledging yourself, it is also honoring, accepting and acknowledging your Higher Source (or God) you are a part of. By loving yourself, you love the Source from whence you came.

When you learn to do that, your life will start to flow. You will open the door to the connection with your Higher Source, your Infinite Source of Knowledge and Wisdom. And you will be healthy; your cells are happy, thus you are happy, and live longer, better.

Oh, excuse me, this has nothing to do with religion. Religion has manipulated this message to the point of suppression, making us feel totally unworthy to even ever consider to love ourselves. Look where that has gotten us.

Self-love is necessary to stay healthy. When you love yourself, you only want to do what is good for you and your surroundings. You wouldn’t do a job or profession you do not like, it would be counter-productive in the long run, yet …

What was that stat? 

85% of the working population in the US to some degree dislike or absolute hate what they do to get that paycheck!!! And they want the paycheck to buy stuff that would make them happy - if oly for an hour or afternoon! And how is that working for you?

Compare that with the stats of people in the workforce dying annually. Around 500.000! You never read stats like that. You only read a stat that says that some 700.000 people annually die because of mistakes made by doctors or hospitals/ERs. That includes mostly wrong prescriptions and treatments that are not necessary for 2 reasons.

1. If you love yourself, you do not get sick, hence you do not need any prescription drugs or body parts yanked out.
2. If you indeed do not feel good, the doctor would take (and have) the time to really find out what is ailing you and look at your present situation and help you make changes, provided you would not be able to do that yourself.

No way, Jose, Big Pharma dictates what doctors can study and do in their practice. Do your own research on this topic. They basically study what goes wrong in bodies and what kind of drugs to prescribe.
The mindset, where happiness, joy, fun, and thus self-love comes from, is totally ignored, to the point where only anti-depressant drugs are prescribed. Got the picture? Sure hope so.

So in end conclusion and suggestion:

First of all, take responsibility for your own life and happiness; if you don’t it will eventually break you up. You will get sick. So, love yourself to the max, and nobody needs know that you do that. It will show at some point and they will ask you about it, or never have the guts to do so, or they have moved out of your circles already, because you are always happy and they can’t stand that.

Secondly, do not feel guilty that you have found the key to a great life. Anybody who pays attention to their body can somehow figure it out once they learn to take responsibility for that gorgeous body, because that is what it is. Just spend some time in awe looking at what your body is doing under all circumstances. It is truly amazing. So just love it, love yourself …...


I sincerely hope you enjoyed reading the information as much as I enjoyed writing it. 

Be well, enjoy life!

Check out my videos:

And as always, the information I just shared with you is based on many years of training from my mentors, my interpretation of that, connecting the dots, observing human behavior in everyday life, my own interpretation of that again and allowing Source Energy to create this information through me. Do your own research; I am merely expressing what I deeply feel, and perhaps if this information resonates with you, it may perhaps help you move forward.

1 comment:

  1. Elvire, before you, I had heard from 2 different sources that money-earning "Big Pharma" DOES dictate how doctors are schooled. Also, when I--some 15 years back, asked a doctor about how could I DEVELOP my good (vocal) health. (I am a singer.) How can I strengthen my throat and voice in ADVANCE.
    You know what his honest answer was ? He said his Medical practice is about treating (maladies)--not about enHANCING or developing a good state.
    I think that tells you a lot, when you ponder it...
    All these experiences plus some "criminal" things about too many in the field of medicine lead me to not disagree with your overall assessment about health/treatment !

    Well, for me, I think a balance might be: I'd like to go to the doctor for emergencies--you have broken bones, a wife's pregnancy, EMERGENCY signs of heart ailment, etc.
    I will continue to see the eye doctor for a yearly checkup to assure that things look good, there.

    And I have to keep EXERCISING (no way around that one), including flexibility routines as I age gracefully. We all need to make it a habit to think positive thoughts most of the time (just as you alluded to). I am eating as organic as I can--Chicken, the banannas the strawberries, the Alfalfa the MILK--I only consume organic, there. (The wife and I are systematically working towards consuming ALL things being organic bit by bit.) Alicia certainly is good about not inhaling chemicals,etc. (E.g., any gas leaking from the stove will run us to outside for a bit.)

    So, in summary, I enjoyed the usefulness and confirming nature of the post, Elvire !
    Clifford(II) January, 2019
