F.E.A.R.   aka Finally Ending All Resistance  

You probably do not realize that you have resistance, resistance to a lot of things, because it is so subtle and has been going on for so long that you simply do not know any better.

What kind of resistance?

You may experience that you do not want to do something; perhaps your boss tells you to do a certain task, and that is probably the very last thing you would ever like to do, or you are just too busy with something else and that task, be it big or small does not fit in your set schedule for this day or week. Or your beloved asks you to do something, and you really do not feel that that is what you had in mind right now, let alone the fact that you feel that that is not what your beloved needs.

And what about more obvious resistance, like not really wanting to leave those delicious cookies or chocolate for what it is, which you know will help you knock off some pounds, but you are just in the mood for it, so resistance gone!

The resistance I am actually referring to here is the resistance of being who you truly are, resistance to who you came here on this planet, to be. Resistance to actually stepping into that unique YOU, that YOU the world is waiting for, that YOU that will fill that gap so that others can benefit.

You came with a plan, you came to express yourself in a certain way, and you may want to ask yourself: Am I truly expressing who I wish to be? Am I really doing what I love to do, what I came here to do, what my makeup is??

Most humans do not express themselves the way they would love to and the results are most often devastating in the long run. Not from the gecko, but as the years slide by, the proof starts to show. What proof, how? I will tell you in a moment.

First back to resisting your true nature

How can we resist what is truly us, you may wonder.

Simple. From day 1 two things, two energy streams were flowing. The one your surroundings, like parents etc. were streaming at you: all they wished for was that you would be like them. Right? They were older, been there, done that, and wanted you to be the same, yet not make all those same mistakes they made, so they provided the kangaroo-domestication -> they skipped all their mistakes and only fed you with what they perceived to be the right results to become human. This is called domestication. More on that later in another blog.

And the other energy flow is your own, but slim, not really full force, because you just needed to do 1 thing in your very early days: survive! And in order to survive you complied with them, you sabotaged (unbeknownst to you though) your own nature, and sadly for most humans, you never retracted to that path. You understood on a very deep level, that in order to make it to adulthood, you had to please those taking care of you in every which way possible. 

Yes, sure you protested from time to time, receiving the blows, sitting on the blisters, being grounded etc. yet on the whole you did everything you could think of to fit in. You even mimicked their tone of voice, their body shape, their facial expression and mostly, their way of thinking and thus being.

And you never, most of u, ever snapped out of that or made an effort to find your own path. It was easy, and full of rewards to step in their footsteps on their path. Sure you may have studied something different from what they went to university for, but still, your way of thinking and doing, is theirs. Monkey see, monkey do!

You did all of this out of FEAR – the fear that was installed in you, the negative fear that kept you spellbound for at least almost 2 decades, and that is a lot, considering that you came as a blank slate, so the grooves are deep.

Yet, you are who you are, deep down beneath, and if you are honest with yourself, you have dreams that are so contrary to what you have been raised in that you fear that if you were to bring them to the surface your parents would turn over in their grave.

But what are the consequences of not being YOU? Not being who you came here to be?
Massive, to put it gently.

Have you ever noticed that so many people in later age, some earlier, most later, have all these diseases for which Big Pharma is so accommodating in providing ‘cures’?

How does that work?

By living up to the expectations of those who raised you, you were thinking thoughts that were actually not in alignment with who you are; you adjusted and you ignored the feelings that came with doing something contrary to who you are. You denied yourself.

What happened, and probably is still taking place today?

We humans have neuropeptides, electrically charged cells that accompany every thought you create, be it in alignment or out of alignment with your true nature. Most often these neuropeptides are negatively charged, because you are doing things contrary to your true nature, but you just do them – it has become a habit to suppress your true feelings, you’ve got to comply and fit in. Right?

Negatively charged neuropeptides connect with the cells that form your organs, the vital parts of your body, and start to undermine their function. This is not just 1 neuropeptide, this is an endless stream of them because you keep doing what you did not come here for to do.

How does this work, actually very simple. You are a chemical manufacturing plant that operates on the input it gets from your thoughts: good thoughts, happy thoughts, great juice aka Happy Life Juice. Negative thoughts, unhappy thoughts, toxic juice.

Happy Life Juice nourishes, pampers your cells, makes them be alive, vibrant, healthy growing, energic. People smile, undertake all sorts of things with the greatest ease, live long and happy.

Toxic juice slowly but steadily kills or helps mutate the cells with the result you see all around you -> dis-eases galore!

So slowly but gradually, and in the beginning totally unnoticed, your body starts to break down. Big word, but true. You have a pain here or there, and you mask that up with a painkiller or worse, if the medical world has their way with you, they yank out the body part that hurts, thinking and giving you the 'assurance' that that is the end of that disease. Really??? 

The pain you feel is always and always an alarm bell that something is wrong! Where?

Between your ears!!!!

You want to appreciate pain, thank it, because it alarms you to take a look at what you are doing, it draws attention to something that is not working the way it is supposed to work, and YOU created that with your thinking!!!!

Now that may be a tough one to swallow, but it is true. Do not take my word for it, do research and read many books on these subjects.Even The Bible refers to it: "As a man thinketh, so is he." Ponder on that one for a while!

So what are a couple of things you can do to start with.

Be honest with yourself, and start to look at your life, and write down what you truly would like to do with your life. Do not beat up on yourself, that is not going to help you and created toxic juice. 

And if you do not know, then write down what you really do not like, and write down the total opposite of that; all of this regardless of circumstances; time or money.  Do not allow outside circumstances, like family obligations, to influence your life.

You may have made wrong choices, and that is OK, nothing is cast in stone, life is fluid and you can make changes at any time. At the time you felt it was the best choice, now you see that differently. Remember, we need to survive, and if we do not understand it then we do what we feel helps us survive.

What does this take??

Trust – the opposite of the fear you were raised with. Trust in what? In your Non-Physical part, your connection to the All That Is, or as some like to call it, Universal Energy or God.

There is much more to this, but for now, start taking a look at yourself, at your health, at your work, at everything that you are and are doing, and honestly write down what you do not like and what you do like about your life, and what you would like to do if time and money was not an issue. 

Get creative, allow your energy from Source to flow and bring it to you, or as they say: Follow Your Gut (or God)!

So give up your resistance to who you are – F.E.A.R. -> Finally Ending All Resistance!

And start to live Happily Ever After!

I sincerely hope you enjoyed reading the information as much as I enjoyed writing it. 

Be well, enjoy life!

Check out my videos: elviresvideos.com

And as always, the information I just shared with you is based on many years of training from my mentors, my interpretation of that, connecting the dots, observing human behavior in everyday life, my own interpretation of that again and allowing Source Energy to create this information through me. Do your own research; I am merely expressing what I deeply feel, and perhaps if this information resonates with you, it may perhaps help you move forward.