Recently I found this as said by a London specialist many years ago. How true this is, and it is very profound.

We have feelings about any and everything we do, all they long, as a matter of fact, we do NOT do anything without not having a feeling about it. Without feeling no action!

Feelings or emotions aka energy in motion is what moves us forward; we are energy, nothing else. Energy that is compacted into matter, but still energy. When you go deeper into this, it is very exciting, but for now I will stick to the subject line.

Most of our feelings are anything from sort of neutral to happy or unhappy, depending on who you are and what kind of choices you have been making in your life, and thus created an emotional standard makeup for yourself. This all stems from your exposure to experiences in your early childhood.

If they were good or bad is irrelevant – you can fix them today!

Any situation thus gives you a reason to smile or cry, no matter how small it may be. Smiling is an easy expression of a happy feeling or contentment with your current situation.

When the situation is not happy, sad, or worse, we often have the tendency to stuff it all away, like under the carpet. Put up the stiff upper lip and pretend everything is OK while inside we are feeling really horrible.

We are allowed to cry at certain given sad situations, like death in the family or disasters we witness and cannot process.

But in how many instances have you fought back the tears? Thinking it would not be OK for anybody to see your emotions, your sadness? And what did you do with those emotions then later on? Did you let them out, once you got back home, in the privacy of your home, or your car? Probably not. You kept stuffing them down or rather, you ‘forgot’ about them! Did you? Really?

Here is what takes place when you ‘forget' or 'ignore’ tears you did not cry! As the title says – ‘..... some other organ will cry’ or rather will express it.
How? By becoming dis-eased (not at ease), withering away.

We do not always feel the need to cry, although it sure does relieve the pressure we built up, we like to go back over and over a sad situation we had to deal with, small or big, and those emotions affect our health in a manner most of us do not understand, nor want to take on as real.

It is so much better to express a sad emotion, feeling, through crying it out completely, allowing yourself to really cry it out, and not stop halfway in the arms of some well-meaning person telling us that it is all going to be OK. No, cry it out, give the situation it’s well-deserved attention so you can let it go in a much smoother way, and know that you have dealt with the situation.

This is not feeling sorry for yourself, this is clearing the slate of what you can handle to live a healthy life.

Those who suffer most from this are the men; they are told as young boys that ‘boys don’t cry’! So it is second nature to them to just stuff it away, they almost do not know any better, only to find out later in life that they have all sorts of health issues.

This may be a far cry for you, but every emotion is expressed in the body in some way, and you are in control of expressing that, mostly unbeknownst to you. If you only knew, understand the importance of it, you would cry your eyes out when needed in order to prevent future health challenges.  

And that is what is meant by the title: cry over a sad situation or another body part will get diseased in the future.

Does that mean if you do not cry over 1 isolated issue that you will get sick? No of course not. But people who are trained from childhood on not to cry make that their way of living, they do not know how to deal with sadness, and it is like a constant little gray cloud hanging over their head. They are not the happiest people, and if the do get happy, it is often only for a short period of time, then to return to either the neutral and usually slightly negative feelings.

We are supposed to live expressing ourselves totally, not always in public, yet there is no shame of letting go of your sad emotions and cry in public when you feel it will help you cope better with a situation. However, we are so programmed that when you cry you are a weakling, when actually you are way ahead of the crowd, that we do not do it, and program our offspring to do the same. Keep up appearances!

So what to do when you feel you like to cry?

Just do it, and do not even apologize, explain if you want to what causes you to cry – which is part of the communication between humans, so others can understand – and just do it. Walk away from a situation to be alone and just cry it out. This applies to both women AND men. You will feel so much better, and trust me, others who see you allowing your feelings to be expressed, may even feel they had the guts to do what you are doing – being human.

What if there is no way you can truly cry it out? Try to compose yourself, but once alone, preferably in your car or at home, go over the situation and let it all come out. Make sure you do not give in to the urge to grab a drink, that does not help in the coping and processing of the situation. Just cry it out, put on some nice music and reflect on the situation. Then when you feel ready, decide how to continue on with your life, create a plan for your next steps, and take them.

Sometimes it may also help to call a friend – most often women do this – yet it would be good if men did this as well, and ask them to just listen and talk it out.

We are emotions, energy in motion, make sure you keep the energy in motion. What stagnates may cause physical challenges, disease, decay and worse.

Be human first and foremost, express yourself, your body will thank you for it.

What happens if you do not express your sadness, when you make that a habit? You create toxic chemicals in your body that get into the bloodstream and affect your cells. The repetition and graveness of the sadness will create more concentrated, more toxic substances aka Unhappy Life Juices, because these juices cause you to be unhappy for a longer period of time. In the end it will erode your health and cause diseases nobody has an explanation for. 

So cry it out, get it over and done with, don't drag it out. Sure you can get teary of losses etc. that is only human, but life has so much more to offer when you are positive, smiling, happy. You then create the Happy Life Juices that give you energy because these juices nurture and nourish your cells, thus keeping you vibrant and alive to live a long, happy life.

I sincerely hope you enjoyed reading the information as much as I enjoyed writing it. 

Be well, enjoy life!

Check out my videos:

And as always, the information I just shared with you is based on many years of training from my mentors, my interpretation of that, connecting the dots, observing human behavior in everyday life, my own interpretation of that again and allowing Source Energy to create this information through me. Do your own research; I am merely expressing what I deeply feel, and perhaps if this information resonates with you, it may perhaps help you move forward.


Most of us react to whatever is not immediately understood by us, or if we feel that we are offended in some way, or threatened - we REACT.

This is what an animal does, an animal reacts; it is the fight or flight response to something they do not understand, i.e. their instinct tells them to act this way, re-act -> counter act.

Humans who have not been educated into the awareness of being totally different from animals, i.e. that they have a free will and they create their life, do not understand for the most part the difference between reacting and responding.

Responding is when you use your mind, when you think for a moment what the situation is all about and what the meaning is of the situation (you yourself created for yourself in order to learn more about yourself). This is when you open your mouth and close it again and say nothing. Just think for a moment.

I learned this from one of my mentors who explained the difference between reacting and responding - brilliant! Are you going to take that on? Are you willing to look at your reacting to things, situations and ask yourself:

Hmmmm, what can learn from this? How can I prevent this? What is the best solution here?

Most of the time when you react, you burn your bridges in some way. What you say is usually harsher than you intended - it is a defense mechanism that you can change, if you want to. 

Trust me, it takes time, yet it can be done; you and I can do it, just observe yourself.

You will discover that when you hold your breath for a moment, think, really think, leave the emotions out of the situation, you are far better of. The emotions cause you to react, it is instinct - you do not want to be harmed in any way. But do you want to harm the other.

You will discover that you will have less stress when you respond, you feel happier, and proud of yourself that you handled that situation like a mature person.

It is also better for your health; reacting sets your entire body up for the flight, every part of your body is in more or less ways flooded with adrenaline. Ever felt warm or hot when you reacted to something? Observe yourself. That is your body getting ready to take action. 

Do you really need all that adrenaline in your bloodstream, is the situation really that bad? Don't let a simple situation get out of hand, because your reaction calls for a reaction from the other side as well, and soon this all escalades and nobody is really happy with that.

When you respond, think, you feel in control, happy, and what you do is you create a chemical juice in your body aka Happy Life Juice, that enhances the wellbeing of your cells, i.e. your entire body. Reacting does the opposite, especially if you do it often enough it will erode the wellbeing of your cells, leading eventually to dis-ease in your body.

So let's do it, let's become a better person, not only for ourselves, but also for those who are around us, like our kids, family, friends or co-workers. Are we not on this planet to help others? With whatever it takes to create a better life and have more joy?

This is the start of that - go for it, you will notice dramatic shifts in your life, for the better.

I sincerely hope you enjoyed reading the information as much as I enjoyed writing it. 

Be well, enjoy life!

Check out my videos:

And as always, the information I just shared with you is based on many years of training from my mentors, my interpretation of that, connecting the dots, observing human behavior in everyday life, my own interpretation of that again and allowing Source Energy to create this information through me. Do your own research; I am merely expressing what I deeply feel, and perhaps if this information resonates with you, it may perhaps help you move forward.



Today is it totally normal to own a computer. Actually, if you do not have a computer, it is looked upon as not being up to par nowadays. Although many  people use their cellphone as their computer.

Yet, isn’t interesting to realize that up to some 30 years ago, computers were sort of non-existent. We decided that the repetition of certain tasks had to be done by a machine; like turn a habit over to the machine, and then the computer was created.

We created the entire concept of a machine taking over our human tasks based on how we program ourselves – repetition. Doing something over and over and taking the emotion or feeling out of it, the conscious awareness, is called a habit.

Humans love habits, actually we do not know any better than that most of our lives are habits. Some good, some bad, some really bad. We have not learned to understand this procedure at all, only a very few have, and once you understand it, you can reprogram your bio-computer.

That is what we are, bio-computers. The computers were created as an offspring of our own genius mind, made in the likeness of it.

As a bio-computer, we are programmable, and we are. We have been programmed from day one on this planet. Hard to believe yet true. 

Then, once we discover that what we were programmed with was not really to our benefit, and we seek re-programming, some like to call that brain-washing. Anything that may be for your good and does not mash with what is considered ‘the norm’, is labeled brainwashing. Pretty short-sighted unfortunately.

Even before we make our appearance on this planet, we are vibrationally programmed. While still in the womb we pick up the vibration of our mother as well as from the people around her.

We live in a vibrational universe; everything vibrates, even though with the naked eye we are unable to see that. Scientists have proven it with microscopes that in the end all that is is just vibration.

We have translated the word vibration into feeling. You will not ask someone how they are vibrating; you will ask them how they are feeling. One and the same thing. A feeling is a translation of vibration given off by your mind to your brain and transferred into the body to express itself.  And that expression of vibration or feeling is seen clearly for the most part.

Just watch a child jump and skip, they are happy; or watch them sit quietly withdrawn in a corner, they are unhappy. As an adult, you know those feelings yourself as well.

Try this: Stand up straight, stretch your arms out high to the sky, put a smile on your face and feel miserable, depressed. Doesn’t work, does it?
The other way round is the same; slumped over in a corner and feeling exuberantly happy does not work. Your body is the expression of the feeling or vibration given off by your mind.

The question is now: can we put other software in our brain, because the one I have is not making me happy, is actually obsolete?
I want to feel good all the time, and I do not, now what do I do??

As a child, before we start to truly understand what is going on in this magnificent world, we were always happy. Then we are exposed to the influences of vibration of our parents or caretakers. We intuitively pick up their vibration, we tune into it and mirror it. Parents happy, child happy; parents not happy, child holds back and will not be so happy, even though happiness is their natural state of being, the natural state of a human being.

We have been programmed in early childhood that all is good, and all is fun. We would celebrate feeling the goodness, we would celebrate our wins; our parents would applaud us. We would feel proud of ourselves, we’d be happy. Although this is of course not always the case; stressful, dysfunctional parents or family -> stressful, depressed child.

Then we go to kindergarten and everything changes. We are programmed in a different way; in preparation for the real world – it really starts this young.
One of the things you are programmed with is that feeling good all the time and being proud of yourself, of what you have accomplished, is considered bragging.

Bragging is not accepted! Period.

You are supposed to stay humble, more like a doormat; so what do you do as a child? You stop celebrating your wins and stop talking about them. You sort of poopoo them, shove them to the side as ‘Oh, that’s nothing.” Horrible.

Celebrating is feeling good; parties with general celebration are good, you celebrating yourself is not good, not accepted, so you stop doing it.

And that will bite you in the butt.

Because when you are an adult, and you have accomplished something good, or great, you do not celebrate it to the extent it makes you feel good about yourself, nor repeat that often which would do you a world of good. You would raise your vibration and with that create an ecstatic feeling in your body that would shield off anything that is of a lower vibration and that could possibly harm you in any way. You would be invincible, and by not celebrating you deprive yourself of that.

Feeling good, celebrating, is not something you can do when someone tells you to do so. It has to come from inside, it has to be organic, from you, from that old familiar feeling you had as a child.

How do you do that?

Well, you were able to do it once, so you can do it again. Does it take some work? Sure, yet how badly do you want it?

In your meditation, call up that feeling of celebration by remembering any kind of celebration and feel it again, and again, and again. Set the intention in your meditation to celebrate yourself, praise yourself, no matter how small the accomplishment.

Savor the flavor of it and watch how good you start to feel and how your life will change.

Celebrate any opportunity you get, just do it by yourself and feel proud of yourself, praise yourself continuously. You deserve it, feel good about yourself, love yourself.

You see, we all want to be happy and healthy, and probably live a long life.
If you do not celebrate yourself, if you do not love yourself, you create something called Unhappy Life Juice. You are a chemical manufacturing plant; production is orchestrated by the thoughts you hold over a longer period of time, recurring ones, the ones that humm in the background, like in the crockpot. That juice blends in with your blood and is flowing to your cells where it does damage, it prevents nutrition to penetrate the cells; cells may mutate or simply die off. The result is dis-ease in the organ, in the body.

When you are feeling happy (for no reason - great book by Marci Shimoff!!) you create Happy Life Juice that nourishes, nurtures, pampers the cells of your body with the result that you feel great, fantastic, alive, no diseases whatsoever, loads of energy, big smile, simply HAPPY, and a long life!

YOU and only YOU are in total control of the wellbeing of your body, nobody else - it is your mindset and your thoughts that determine the health of your body, by expressing your feelings in your body. Scientifically proven by now. Do your own research.

A good book to read on this topic is: Biology of Belief by Dr. Bruce Lipton.

And as always, the information I just shared with you is based on many years of training from my mentors, my interpretation of that, connecting the dots, observing human behavior in everyday life, my own interpretation of that again and allowing Source Energy to create this information through me. Do your own research; I am merely expressing what I deeply feel, and perhaps if this information resonates with you, it may perhaps help you move forward.

I sincerely hope you enjoyed reading the information as much as I enjoyed writing it. 

Be well, enjoy life!

Check out my videos:



We all want to feel that wonderful feeling of satisfaction. Yep, that feeling The Rolling Stones sang about half a century ago. And it’s nothing new, it’s a basic feeling all humans are craving for.

So how do we get it? How do we hang on to it, because it is really yummy, would you agree? It really makes you feel happy.

We work harder so we make more money, take a moonlighting job to make some extra, all with the intention to buy some more stuff that will give us that satisfied feeling.

And how long does that last?

Not long, just until the newness of something wears out. That is our nature. Our nature as human beings is for expansion, for more, and more and more – all the time. Maybe your parents asked you: why can’t you be satisfied with what you’ve got right now? Mine did! Many times.

And that is because they missed the mark, they did not know, that expansion is inevitable and always calling you, and as such you are always looking for satisfaction. And once you’ve got it with 1 thing, you’re on to the next. Simple, that’s how it is. Right?

Wrong – in a way.

Expansion is what you are, growth is what you are, can’t stop that - human nature. You always want to experience more, and more and more, to satisfy that urgency. So what do you do? Anything, anything at all, to get yet another experience.

Yet, most complain that their experiences are not what they truly want. They want more money, go places, buy stuff. Yet, we’ve gone full circle now, haven’t we.

So what is wrong with this picture?

Let’s look at satisfaction. Satisfaction if a feeling of deep content, of utter bliss, of total happiness, of just being who you are.

Satisfaction is being utterly happy with ……. NOTHING! Just the feeling of it, that feeling that gives you the joy – the Jubilee Of You! Food for thought here.

The wanting of that feeling is trained into us from childhood, so we know no better than that is what we are reaching for, yet buying stuff and going places will ultimately not satisfy (!) that feeling. Ask the very wealthy who’ve seen it all, been there, done that, they still have that yearning, some to the point of self-destruction.

That feeling of total satisfaction can only come from one place – from within, from being totally content or satisfied with who you are, and not with what you are able to buy in order to get that feeling. Do you get that?

It’s the other way around.

It’s not: when I have that bigger car, that bigger house, that super boat, that fabulous partner – THEN and only then will I be satisfied.

NO – feel that feeling of satisfaction first, inside of you and you WILL get all the things you ever want, all the things you are able to feel totally satisfied with in your feelings before they ever manifest, and if they ever manifest, because you may just change your mind about continuing to hold that feeling.

You will then even come to the point where the manifestation, the physical reality of the item is not even important for you anymore, because you already have had what you were yearning for – that feeling of satisfaction.

It is feeling satisfied with empty hands – do you get that?

You are a vibrational being, and everything vibrates, everything at a different level of frequency. This is the tricky thing – you have to get in perfect vibrational frequency or alignment of that specific object or situation. Aah, so tricky, right!

How do you do that?

By appreciating what you’ve got, constantly, looking at everything around you in appreciation, seeing the silver lining of every cloud, feel happy no matter what. 

Everything has 2 sides: the having of it and the lack of it. We humans are mostly trained to look only at the lack of everything, and we continue to keep that picture/vibration alive when we talk about anything or whine.

We are not trained to ignore the lack of something yet hold the already having of something in our thoughts, i.e. our vibration. Just listen to most every conversation you hear anywhere. Just tune in without the feeling of eavesdropping. Do it for a while and you catch this drift. Very powerful once you understand this.

Being happy for no reason (good book to read BTW by Marci Shimoff) is truly what you are striving for. Your nature is to be happy and satisfied with who you are. Nothing from the outside can ever trump that feeling – that is all conditional. And when the condition disappears, you are toast. Did you get that?

So start a Book of Appreciation and write in there what you are happy about, what you appreciate – about yourself, about anything, any thing! It will do you good and you will discover that eventually as you train yourself in this, you have no need anymore for a lot of stuff that clutter up your life.

When you can feel satisfaction from something you desire before it even or ever manifests, you are experiencing satisfaction empty handed, the true nature of who you are, because ultimately there is only one thing we are looking for, yearning for, craving for – that feeling of satisfaction – which is separate from the physicality of it. That feeling of utter bliss, utter happiness.

What does that do for you, that happy feeling? 

It creates so-called Happy Life Juice in your body. You are a chemical manufacturing plant producing juices based on the thoughts you hold for a longer period of time. You cannot NOT produce, that plant works 24/7. What kind of juice you produce is based on your thoughts - happy thoughts, happy juice; unhappy thoughts, toxic juice! This has been scientifically proven o.a. Dr. C. Pert. Do your own research.

So this Happy Life Juice gets into your bloodstream and nourishes, pampers, enhances the life of your cells which means no di-ease in your body and a long life of happiness.

Stuff never brings you happiness, turning within and finding out who you are will.

Like what you just read? I've got a bunch of videos for you:

Thanks for reading and watching.

And as always, the information I just shared with you is based on many years of training from my mentors, my interpretation of that, connecting the dots, observing human behavior in everyday life, my own interpretation of that again and allowing Source Energy to create this information through me. Do your own research; I am merely expressing what I deeply feel, and perhaps if this information resonates with you, it may perhaps help you move forward.

I sincerely hope you enjoyed reading the information as much as I enjoyed writing it. 

Be well, enjoy life!



Who took the course self-love in high school, it was optional, right? Anyone, ANYONE?????

I never saw it on the curriculum and thus worked myself somehow through my teenage years into adulthood and further into maturity. How did that all work out?

Well, looking back now, I believe I could have done better for just that one thing that nobody, not even my parents told me about:


WOW, now that may seem selfish to you, coming from where and how you were raised. Like you have to always give, give, give and be humble etc. Love your neighbor like you love yourself. Hah, another juicy one! How can you love him, if you do not even love yourself! Yah, ever thought about that?

Let’s digress for a moment – the word ‘selfish’ – so very loaded, then and still.

Well, here it is: 
“lacking consideration for others; concerned chiefly with one's own personal profit or pleasure.”
Isn’t that an interesting statement. And we learned and learn this still every day. However, how can you give of yourself if you are not allowed to be concerned with your own pleasure (I like to skip the ‘profit’).

What is one of the basic things of life? That you positively (yes indeed, not negatively) contribute to anything; to someone, a situation etc.

So how do you get positive, I mean, what do you need to do to be and stay positive?
Do whatever you can to look for positive things in life, YOUR life that is, because you cannot be involved in anybody else’s life, you cannot make anybody else positive. They can only see you being positive and adapt to that or ask you how you do that. You can only be a beaming light they feel attracted to. Right?

Don’t tell me you feel attracted to a negative person.

So, when you do anything you can to be positive, to look for the positive side of life, to feel good, to shine, what other word than selfish comes to mind?

And tell me what do you do? You LOVE yourself, don’t you? Isn’t that what you do when you look for things that please you, that make you feel good, that are positive. When you avoid negative situations and people. At the risk of whatever, you are pleasing yourself. Period.
And that is what life is all about! Life is supposed to be fun, joy, pleasing.

So back to that course in self-love.

If you did not get it in school, and if nobody told you about it, you probably never looked for a course in self-love later in life, because you had no idea that that is what you might need to spice up your life. Most people never do, and they wonder why life is so dull, so negative, so ornery – if they are even aware of that, though.

What can you do to learn to love yourself? Because it is vital, yes indeed, literally vital to you, to your health and well-being.

Digress again for a moment.

Why do you think so many mature and senior people have so many health challenges, like cancer, heart problems etc. etc. By not being happy, they are creating Unhappy Life Juice!

Years, decades of grinding life without self-love is what causes that; being unhappy with your life and what you did not accomplish. Sure, toxic environment chips in as well, but when you know what self-love is, you make sure you are not affected by toxins around you. You avoid them at any price. You eat organic and similar; no toxic cleaning products etc. etc.

Self-love means taking care of yourself, looking out for #1 at all times, even when people say or think that that is selfish. Honestly, read the book: What you think of me is none of my business by Terri Cole-Whittaker. Very worth it. You cannot learn this information young enough!

Self-love is not only honoring, accepting, acknowledging yourself, it is also honoring, accepting and acknowledging your Higher Source (or God) you are a part of. By loving yourself, you love the Source from whence you came.

When you learn to do that, your life will start to flow. You will open the door to the connection with your Higher Source, your Infinite Source of Knowledge and Wisdom. And you will be healthy; your cells are happy, thus you are happy, and live longer, better.

Oh, excuse me, this has nothing to do with religion. Religion has manipulated this message to the point of suppression, making us feel totally unworthy to even ever consider to love ourselves. Look where that has gotten us.

Self-love is necessary to stay healthy. When you love yourself, you only want to do what is good for you and your surroundings. You wouldn’t do a job or profession you do not like, it would be counter-productive in the long run, yet …

What was that stat? 

85% of the working population in the US to some degree dislike or absolute hate what they do to get that paycheck!!! And they want the paycheck to buy stuff that would make them happy - if oly for an hour or afternoon! And how is that working for you?

Compare that with the stats of people in the workforce dying annually. Around 500.000! You never read stats like that. You only read a stat that says that some 700.000 people annually die because of mistakes made by doctors or hospitals/ERs. That includes mostly wrong prescriptions and treatments that are not necessary for 2 reasons.

1. If you love yourself, you do not get sick, hence you do not need any prescription drugs or body parts yanked out.
2. If you indeed do not feel good, the doctor would take (and have) the time to really find out what is ailing you and look at your present situation and help you make changes, provided you would not be able to do that yourself.

No way, Jose, Big Pharma dictates what doctors can study and do in their practice. Do your own research on this topic. They basically study what goes wrong in bodies and what kind of drugs to prescribe.
The mindset, where happiness, joy, fun, and thus self-love comes from, is totally ignored, to the point where only anti-depressant drugs are prescribed. Got the picture? Sure hope so.

So in end conclusion and suggestion:

First of all, take responsibility for your own life and happiness; if you don’t it will eventually break you up. You will get sick. So, love yourself to the max, and nobody needs know that you do that. It will show at some point and they will ask you about it, or never have the guts to do so, or they have moved out of your circles already, because you are always happy and they can’t stand that.

Secondly, do not feel guilty that you have found the key to a great life. Anybody who pays attention to their body can somehow figure it out once they learn to take responsibility for that gorgeous body, because that is what it is. Just spend some time in awe looking at what your body is doing under all circumstances. It is truly amazing. So just love it, love yourself …...


I sincerely hope you enjoyed reading the information as much as I enjoyed writing it. 

Be well, enjoy life!

Check out my videos:

And as always, the information I just shared with you is based on many years of training from my mentors, my interpretation of that, connecting the dots, observing human behavior in everyday life, my own interpretation of that again and allowing Source Energy to create this information through me. Do your own research; I am merely expressing what I deeply feel, and perhaps if this information resonates with you, it may perhaps help you move forward.



It’s a sad part of life realizing that so many people have an ailment that they do not know how they got it; they like to blame their genetics and environment for it when actually it is they themselves who created it.

It is normal for us to have some sort of disease; rather, if you do not have one, you are an exception. Is that how life is supposed to be? Stuffing our face with chemical (for the most part) medications that take over the natural ability of our bodies to heal themselves.

Our body is equipped with everything we need to ward off any disease, and if we happen to allow a bug into our body, we can get rid of it again too. Yet we do no longer know how to do that. We love to deposit our bodies at the doctor and tell them to ‘fix’ us. For the main reason that we can point the blame finger when they cannot fix us fast enough as we like it.

What is wrong with us? How did we create the monsters that we have become?

Let’s peddle way back and see if we can unravel this and give it a happy ending.

Even before we make our entrée on this planet, we are already exposed to the vibration of our mother, and more even, our surroundings. Vibrations travel through water and air, thus reach us in the womb. It’s been proven scientifically, do your own research.

What vibrations, you wonder?

Good vibrations ….. but also bad vibrations.

Even though your mother really wanted you, was happily expecting you to make your entrée, there were many instances when she was exposed, rather allowed herself to be exposed to negative vibrations. Those vibrations reached you, involuntarily; you did not sign up for them, or did you, nor did you know how to prevent them from coming your diretion? Tough question to swallow, right?

Your spirit, or soul, was and is fully mature; it’s just the body that it is housing in that needs some growing up, growing through the motions of life. So your spirit knows, actually knows it all, since it is connected to the Universe and always will be, yet is not able to express itself consciously in your body yet.

Then you make your entrée, oh glorious day! And now you are fully exposed to the full brunt of good and bad vibrations. In the beginning most of it is good vibrations, also because you are asleep a lot, since it really wears you out being on this noisy planet in this body, in this world, still having to learn how to cope.

During your years of growing up you are exposed to the vibrations of your parents, grandparents and surroundings. You may not be fully conscious aware of it, hence no real defense system in place, yet your subconscious knows exactly what is going on.

You are exposed to the cumulative thinking energy of your surroundings, and unfortunately for the most part that is pretty negative. It will not kill you immediately, yet it start to erode your defense system; literally start up a manufacturing plant of toxic chemicals.

How could I have known, I was a child! Sure you were, and you chose your parents to become aware of all of this; to feel how strong your spirit would be in standing up for yourself and not being sucked in and swept away in their, often doom, thinking.

How can I say this? I come from such an environment. Been there, done that, overcome it! And so can you.

Back to the vibration.

Your question may be: why do small children get diseases?

When the spirit eagerly jumps into a chosen body in a chosen environment, it brings with it a wish list for another life experience. How is it going to experience events; what kind of experiences does it want to experience?

The choice is the spirit’s choice, and unfortunately we have not really been able to download the agenda the spirit has decided to go through this life time.

Then, the question is: how does the spirit know if it is on the right path. Trust we all agree that life is a journey, a trip, and that we are on a path in this journey.

One answer: does it feel good?

We are vibrations manifested into matter; still vibrations. Feeling is a word we have given to vibration; they are one and the same. As conscious beings we can feel; we interpret our vibration.

What then determines our vibration? Our thoughts. Thoughts are a translation of vibration.

Where does the vibration come from? From Source or God. Source is one with us, we are the flesh extension of Source, expressing the vibrations of Source to facilitate Source to have another ‘human’ experience. Source cannot but stream energy to and through us.

How we interpret that energy, that vibration is up to us, determined on how we are domesticated by our surroundings – parents, caretakers and more.

As I said earlier, if there is a lot of negative emotion, vibration going on around us, and we are not trained in how to withstand that, rather let it come into our consciousness and subconscious, it will affect us.

Contrary of course is that exposure and allowance of positive vibration affects us too. Yet totally different.

Negative vibration erodes the well-being of the body; positive vibration enhances the well-being. This also has been proven many decades ago by scientists.

But apart from that scientific stuff, how does it feel to feel positive? Great, doesn’t it, life flows, everything works for you. Negative vibration does not work so well, does it?

And the accumulation of negative vibration, allowed into the body, expresses and manifests itself in dis-ease i.e. not at ease.

Let me explain this a little further, so you will understand the full brunt of both.

When we feel good, positive vibes, positive emotions, what we create through the workings of the brain, we create Happy Life Juice. We are a chemical manufacturing plant that is instructed as to what to produce by our thoughts, ever so subtle. This chemical juice is released into the bloodstream and thus reaches our cells; it pampers and nourished our cells, makes them feel alive, awake, happy.

You probably understand now that negative emotions create the opposite; rather than nourishing and nurturing the cells, this toxic juice breaks down cells or helps them mutate into cells we do not want, like cancer cells that will eventually destroy the organ or tissue.

Can you then also get a feeling for how we think and look at things determines what is produced? Happy Life Juice or Toxic Juice? Meaning that your thoughts direct and determine the production of either.

It is all depends on how you handle on a spiritual level the vibrations that you live in.

Oh, that sounds great, you say. How do I avoid negative vibrations?

Simple. You have a choice, always, and in all ways, every nanosecond.

There is a button on the remote of your TV control; turn it off completely or switch to a positive transmission.

"My boss is horrible, I hate the place I work at, but I’ve got a family and bills to pay."

First become fully aware of it; fully aware why you chose to have that job, what were your reasons. Then determine what you really would love to do this lifetime and start to take your time away from work to study to go into that direction. Make your day job the funding for your new life, like a loan to fund your career.

What is most important in this process is that you become fully aware of it: understand and accept that you have choices and what you chose is your responsibility. It may not be always as easy to make changes, but you can, always, and in all ways. Just dare and stretch yourself. Ample stories from people who did, read them, get inspired, and take action like they did.

Once you are on your path to living the way you chose to live, you are in a positive vibration, capable of warding off negative vibration and ……. keeping the state of dis-ease out of your body. Feeling good and being sick/diseased do not go together.

Just remember, everything in your body is what you created or thought up in your mind. You can change your mind. We humans are the only living creatures who can do that, as far as science has discovered so far. We have free will, so use it!

To wrap up – your disease is your choice, knowingly or unknowingly, you created it. Just take the responsibility for it, give up all excuses, all  blame, and change it if you so like. Because you can!

I sincerely hope you enjoyed reading the information as much as I enjoyed writing it. 

Be well, enjoy life!

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And as always, the information I just shared with you is based on many years of training from my mentors, my interpretation of that, connecting the dots, observing human behavior in everyday life, my own interpretation of that again and allowing Source Energy to create this information through me. Do your own research; I am merely expressing what I deeply feel, and perhaps if this information resonates with you, it may perhaps help you move forward.