it just amazing what pharmaceutical pull  popping junkies we’ve become? For every little pain there is a pill, either over the counter or prescribed. You see them constantly advertised on TV, so if you feel but 1 or 2 of the symptoms they discuss, you feel you need to have this pill to make you feel better.


Is that how we are supposed to to live our lives with medical services? Prescribing drugs, pushing drugs is actually a better way of describing it. You just can’t escape them anymore. And with the doctors only studying diseases and subsequently connected drugs, because Big Pharma determines what they can learn; most people are on at least 2 drugs, and the average American is on 7 drugs.

And how is that all working for you?

What about really looking at where that dis-ease came from. What caused it?

Now that is what doctors are supposed to do, helping your body restore its natural state of health, not giving it synthetic drugs that take over what the body can do itself, provided it is fed the proper physical and mostly mental food.


Ah, let’s talk nutrients for a moment.
We all know, and if you don’t – shame on you – what goes on in the food production. How animals are stuffed with drugs and slaughtered like you have no idea. If you have no idea, then watch some documentaries on Netflix, that’ll give you an idea, it may turn you off from eating any kind of meat. Between the involuntarily induced drugs you may also get some nutrients from your steak or pork chop.

The dairy industry is totally sick, so many drugs, plus who still really believes that diary gives you what you need. Cheese does taste nice, but is there any real nutrient in it besides a lot of fat and other stuff your body has a hard time coping with in the digestion process.

And how about the agriculture? Any nutrients left there?

Not that much really. With the incredible population explosion since the invention of the chemical fertilizer in 1907 by a German physicist, we simply keep growing crop after crop after crop on the same soil, somehow forgetting that there are more than just the 3 minerals that are in the chemical fertilizers. There are some 52 or so which nowadays are hardly anywhere in any kind of produce.

Meaning: nutrition deficient – human body deficient! Simple as that.

Wild fish is hard to come by and usually at a high prize, meaning just for the happy few. Same applies to any wild animal, like deer or foul.

So what is a person to do? Take massive supplements is an option you cannot avoid any more, and yet then still be very careful where those came from, really.


And this is only a part of the story.

The rest of the story is somehow simply never talked about, the dots are not properly connected. And thus people really do not connect health and intake of anything.

You see, what we are not educated in that your thoughts determine your results, not only in life as you are living it with business or any kind of results, but in the wellbeing of your body.
Your body is the vehicle for your spirit, and your mind determines what kind of thoughts you think. Sure, you are domesticated into thinking for a large part like those who raised you. What did you know? Not much, and you just followed along, mimicked your caregivers until you were old enough and start to question or maybe not, what you had been told. You mimicked them, because you wanted to fit in, comply in order to survive!

But quite often at that moment, the damage is already done. You inherit your caregiver's thinking, nothing else. Oh sure, the scientists like to point to your DNA, well there is a huge controversy there. Most scientists really believe you are unable to change your DNA, but some scientists believe you can. You can change anything in your body, as long as you believe that you can. And that’s where the problem sits.

The belief system. More on that later. 

PS It has already been proven that you can change your DNA - your genetics. Check Dr. Bruce Lipton on epigenetics! Mind blowing for sure.

Meanwhile, you are fed, most often, a kind of doom thinking - life is hard, a struggle etc. And even though you think your childhood was a happy one, you have no idea what small insidious little remarks undermine the healthy state of your body that your brain registers. This does not go overnight, this undermining. But keep feeding it for decades, and it will. Hence the human race gets all sorts of ailments at a later age. It can only take so much for so long before it starts to cave in.

Coupled with lack of appropriate nutrition from food – voila, the recipe for disease!

And the sad part is that even if body parts are yanked out, the disease will eventually pop up again. Survival of a cancer procedure is when you live another 5 years after the treatment. Hah, check out the stats, amazing. Most cases survive for 5-6 years max!

Well, that’s better than the 6 months the doctors gave you, right. Well, you just never know, because if you were to change your thinking and your eating patterns you may even have reversed your disease, yet we’ll never know, do we?

However, once you are open to understanding the vital connection between your thoughts and your health now, you can do a lot to prevent and even stop certain diseases, maybe even reverse them.

What does that take?

Going against the flow!

Do you have the stomach for that? Can you handle the comments and criticism of your surroundings, the ridicule etc. Can you?

If you can, you will find a world that is shunned by the medical society, bad-mouthed by the so-called supporting departments of our government on health etc. They dare to tell you that supplements are dangerous, especially high dosage of supplements. But many people in this world are healthy without pills! Remember Big Pharma is a humongous industry, trillion dollars annually, that needs to be kept alive with your disease(s).

Check the stats again: in the past 25 years supposedly 10 people have died of too big a dose or an overdose of supplements.

And how many die annually of wrong medications? Some 100.000 here in the US alone!

How’s that one for you!


So back to the beginning. How to stop popping pills for any pain.

Here’s what you need to understand. Yes, NEED!

Pain is an alarm bell going off; something is screaming for your attention. And that takes investigation, that takes time, more time than popping an Advil or Ibuprofen or worse.
What is going on in your life right now? How is work? How is your marriage, or relationship with any significant other or family member or friend? How do you feel?


And how long has that feeling been going on? Days, weeks, months, years, decades perhaps? Ouch!
And you ignored it by popping pills, numbing the pain. Do you feel you did your body justice by popping yet another pain killer??? Not really, in my book that is.


So, how do you feel and what is the reason for that. You see there is a law of cause and effect, as old as mankind. The result of something finds starts somewhere: the cause.

Your way of feeling is determined by your way of thinking. Period. Not my idea, just the way we function as humans.

So trace back how you feel and what you were thinking – preferably over a longer period of time. Perhaps even a way longer period, going back to your childhood.

It would behoove you to really put some time in writing the story of your life, and then add to that the feelings, the diseases you had along the way, and see if a pattern shows up.
That is a start, write your story and put your feelings with it.

Then change your thinking and your feelings. Nothing is more important than that you feel good. 

Because when you feel good, you do not need to pop pills; not now and not later.

You see, when you feel good, being a chemical manufacturing plant, you start to create what I like to all Happy Life Juice, a chemical concoction that gets into your bloodstream and reaches your cells. This juice nourishes, nurtures your cells, makes them receptive for the nutrients in your bloodstream: result is healthy cells, healthy life, happy life.

Nothing makes us more happy than being healthy. True for you?

Yet, when you allow stress to take over your life, you feel stressed, miserable, tired, old, sick. Why? Because you create Toxic Juice that via the bloodstream reaches your cells and does the opposite of Happy Life Juice. Long term result is dis-ease, of any kind. Usually starts with an ache, pain and expands into a full-blown cancer.

Can you see that yanking out a body part is not the way to solve this dis-ease problem?

You have to change your mindset, and work on that, daily. Life is beautiful, make up your mind that it is and take control over your mindset.

More about this in other blogs and videos.

Leave me a comment. Love to hear from you and if possible, help you. Thanks.

I sincerely hope you enjoyed reading the information as much as I enjoyed writing it. 

Be well, enjoy life!

Check out my videos:

And as always, the information I just shared with you is based on many years of training from my mentors, my interpretation of that, connecting the dots, observing human behavior in everyday life, my own interpretation of that again and allowing Source Energy to create this information through me. Do your own research; I am merely expressing what I deeply feel, and perhaps if this information resonates with you, it may perhaps help you move forward.