“It’s in the allowing of nothing that something appears” ~ Winnie The Pooh

Though written many years ago, the famous story and characters of Winnie the Pooh never go out of style. Christopher Robin is a wonderful young boy, dreaming his characters coming to life. He talks with them, goes on adventure trips, and shapes his future from the experiences.

Pooh bear, Winnie is his lead play mate, and the author has given all of the animals incredible words to express, which are of course the author’s way of expressing himself.

Recently a movie was made about Christopher and his animals and it was a jolly movie to watch, however, what may not be obvious to the regular viewer, is the deeper meaning of what the author chooses to bring to the foreground about life as a whole. Winnie comes back in Christopher’s life to point out the finer details of life and how he has forgotten them, forgotten to live.

Once this is pointed out to you, you will read the story and see the movie in a totally different light and experience. Fascinating how the story is interlaced with ‘life wisdom’. It may escape many for it is given to us from an ‘animal’ perspective.

You can Google all the special quotes and there are two that particularly stuck in my mind:
“It’s in the allowing of nothing that something appears.”

“Doing nothing often leads to the very best kind of something.”
These 2 phrases actually say the same thing.

We have all been taught that we have to do something in order to get something, nothing comes from nothing. Really? What was the author thinking, where did he get this profound wisdom?

Stepping onto the personal development path leads you to places you often do not expect to find, and this is one of them. It came back to me in a different, playful way, I am not sure who said it but probably Winnie himself.

What does that mean: in the allowing of nothing something appears?

We are all day bombarded with information, the information overload, and what some of us have created for ourselves in order to cope with this reality is a zoning out, meaning, we do not hear or see the majority of the information coming to us. Many people do not do it, the majority thrives on the energy of this information overload, accept it as a normal part of life.

For those who have chosen not to, they have stepped up to a higher level of living; there are many levels of living, not just the basic ‘survival mode’ living, which is what an animal does. The moment you learn that you have a choice in life, that life IS a choice, you step up, and you start to cut out, zone out of all that noise, screaming for your attention. Mostly very unimportant information about the latest movie star, another war starting, the best drug to lose weight or fight cancer and similar topics that do not really contribute to your growth as a human being, capable of so much; mankind still has no idea.

So what then when you zone out, when you take care of yourself, protect yourself, what of that time, that space that is not dedicated to all that ‘media noise’, what do you do with it?

You allow yourself to bask in that emptiness, that beautiful, glowing, soothing quietness, if only for a few moments. The secret lies in the word ‘allow’. Even though many of us think that we know what we want in life, we are still pushing whatever we are pushing to get to our goals, because that is what it is all about.

Forgetting all about the experience, or the journey, along the way, all the little things that pop up. Do we see them? Or are we too busy pursuing that eternal goal? And what is that goal? More money, great partner, holidays, bigger business?

What it is really all about is the experience of everything – being awake, aware of everything that comes up on a daily basis, everything that you asked for to experience, because in the end, YOU have the trump card in hand – you and only you get to choose what you wish to experience.

So in that perceived emptiness, that allowing of nothing, something appears, and what is that?

That is you allowing yourself to receive streaming information, energy, from your connection to the Universe. The energy from the Universe is always streaming to you, the question is then: are you allowing yourself to be open to receive it, ergo are you allowing to use that energy and convert it into thoughts, feelings, actions and the life you desire to live in order to help and guide others to do the same?

It’s been written about in the Bible and many other ancient books, yet, have we been able to understand it to the degree that we apply it, that we understand that we do not need an interpreter to converse with our Soul Energy, our Source Energy, our God Energy? No, we don’t, we don’t need anybody to help us with that. If it’s to be, it’s up to me, literally. I am the only one who can make me happy!

All we have to learn, and this is supposed to have been passed on to us through the generations, yet we allowed institutions to take over that role, thus selling our soul, is getting in touch with our feelings. Our feeling is the language of our soul, the way we communicate with the Source Energy, or God. Do we feel go(o)d, than we are in alignment with our Soul Energy, we are (perhaps on a level unbeknownst to us consciously) open and receiving the streaming Energy that is solely meant for us, to guide us to a glorious life with everything in and on it.

Because that is what we came here to do, live a glorious life, go through ups and downs, challenges and always see the silver lining, knowing there is a good thing contained in every bad thing. And as long as we allow ourselves to know that, to live that way, we live a glorious life. Anything else is basically sub-standard or worse, hardly worth living, that is just grinding it out until we croak, whoopie.

So in that emptiness, in that allowing of the nothingness, you allow Source Energy or God, to stream or give you the information, specifically for you, to move forward on you path of experiences. Nothing happens to you, you all create it, you choose to experience events and thus feelings, feelings of joy (Jubilation Of You!!!) or sadness, because you cannot experience joy if you have never experienced sadness.

One of the Laws of the Universe is the Law of Polarity, stating: there is no up without a down, no in without an out, no light without darkness, and you have to allow yourself to experience them both to understand and appreciate them both.

In the allowing of the nothingness, the emptiness, that beautiful, never ending stream of loving energy comes into you, and at the moment it does, you create a thought from that, and the kind of thought you create is up to you. It can be an active thought, a creative thought, a decisive thought, but all in the positive realm.

With this comes the trust. We have been taught, and probably still are, that we have to fear God. Universal Energy and the likes are still not mainstream terminology, yet it is the same, perhaps better still.

If God is our Father, wouldn’t a father love his offspring, his children? Then why would we fear God? That whole premise goes beyond me. It’s to instill fear, to keep us spellbound, to keep us connected to those institutions teaching that gospel.

I am created from Universal Energy, still totally connected to that Energy, and that Energy loves me beyond measure. I am the matter of the non-physical energy. Remember, physics? Compacted energy becomes matter!

That Source Energy loves me and wants me to have the very best ever experience in a physical body, which I chose BTW, and promised to guide me. Yet once arrived on Planet Earth, that connection was wiped off the table by the establishment in order for me to convert to the powers that are and to be easily manipulated.

With all unhappy and thus sick people everywhere, it is time to go within, to go back to who we are and what we came here to do, and the best way to do that is shut out uninteresting noise information, and be quiet, just sit, meditate or just close your eyes and allow yourself to be open to receive the Universal Energy to guide you in this life. Then acknowledge it, appreciate it and be grateful for it.

I know you will enjoy it!

Leave me a comment, thank you. 

And as always, the information I just shared with you is based on many years of training from my mentors, my interpretation of that, connecting the dots, observing human behavior in everyday life, my own interpretation of that again and allowing Source Energy to create this information through me. Do your own research; I am merely expressing what I deeply feel, and perhaps if this information resonates with you, it may perhaps help you move forward.

I sincerely hope you enjoyed reading the information as much as I enjoyed writing it. Be well, enjoy life!

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