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I can't versus How can I

I CAN'T .....   VERSUS    HOW CAN I .....

How often do you hear “I can’t ……” or how often do you say it?

Why do we do that, why do we keep saying that we cannot do something when deep down inside lies the truth – WE CAN! What is it then?

We have been programmed most likely that it is easier to say “I can’t” because then we do not have to take responsibility; someone else will tell us how to do something, and guess what, if it doesn’t work out, we can play the blame game.

It has a lot to do, if not everything, with how our caretakers addressed this issue when we were small, and from there on a habit was formed: we either look for a way how to do something or we keep playing stupid and stay dependent on others.

It all depends also on what you are looking for in life: and easy way to move through that mud called life or sail the seas full blast finding stuff out yourself, asking for support when needed saying “How Can I  …”, because we all have certain blind spots and a shortcut to a solution is always handy and welcome.

Different way of approach. Coming from the victim’s point or from the explorer’s point. 

You see, everything you want and perhaps need to know, has been done by someone before you, very little has never been done, so you want to find out where you can find information to get what you want done. That makes you feel empowered, in control of your own life and destiny.

If you have to wait before others may be able to help you, too much time is lost along the way to your greatness, so go out and figure it out.

Best way to figure things out that you do not yet know and cannot find on the internet, is to go into a deep meditation and ask the Universe for guidance and help in finding answers. All knowledge is out in the Universe, in Source Energy or if you prefer in the All-Knowing God.

But you’ve got to learn how to get access to that knowledge, that is the key!

Tune into that knowledge-stream, tap into it, and l i s t e n! The latter being the hardest part. You see, we learn to pray, or rather we mostly pray when we are in dire need of Divine Help, pretty pathetic in my book. Be in communication all day long with the Universe, keep the door open, the pump primed, so much easier.

Yet, how to hear the answer?

Well, anything good that takes place in your daily life, give thanks for it to the Universe. A parking spot – because you just fleetingly, for a nanosecond wished for a great spot as close to where you needed to be – and it shows up. GIVE THANKS!

“Wouldn’t it be nice if ….” and indeed whatever it was showed up, GIVE THANKS!

It is so easy, because if you start making this a daily habit, things start to work out more and more for you, better and better all the time. Give thanks for everything you have in your life, good and bad. Bad?? Yes, because it forces you to think to find a better solution – ‘how can I ….’. Bless the stuff you did not ask for as weird as it may seem.

Besides that, ask any mega successful person and they’ll tell you: ‘I learned more from my mistakes than from anything in the world’. So expect to fail in order to learn more.

Have you ever asked yourself why you cannot do certain things? Check in with yourself why certain things simply won’t work for you. If you really want something, and the need is always behind that, what seems to be the problem, where is the stumbling block? Most likely you will discover that it is in your head, and that is OK, you want to change a habit, the habit of saying: “I can’t …” and remover those words from your vocabulary and replace them with “How can I  …”.

Now, do give yourself some time, do not beat yourself up, just keep working diligently on it, every day. Catch yourself when you say it, or when you are about to say it, then swallow it!

You see, your brain will start to work differently as well. It loves a challenge; love your brain for it. Your brain will not give you the answer, it honestly can’t, since your brain is nothing but a chemical and electrical switching station. However, your mind, which operates the brain can give you the answer.

Your mind is the connection to the Universe, to the unlimited stream or source of information, knowledge. Yet you must learn to tap into that, you have to learn to stop cutting yourself off from that stream. You do that, nobody else, trust me.

What does it do for you when you open yourself up to receiving that information? Apart from the fact that it empowers you, makes you feel happy and makes you feel that you are moving forward with gusto, there is something else that takes place inside of you. The feelings you get from allowing yourself to receive the information, create a combination of chemicals in your body that has far-stretching consequences. These “good” feelings create what I like to call Happy Life Juice.


Yep, you heard me well, Happy Life Juice. This is my way of explaining what I learned from Dr. Candice Pert – Molecules of Emotion.

Your thoughts or feelings which derive from your thoughts stimulate your brain to create a chemical juice that is mixed into the bloodstream and as such reaches the cells. Good feelings create the Happy Juice, bad feelings create the Toxic Juice.

You want to have a happy life, so think positive, feel good and the Happy Life Juice is created, reaches your cells and nourishes them, nurtures them, pampers them, encourages them to do their job optimally, i.e. live healthy to make new cells, growth constantly. Cells die off every second and have to be replaced every second or you die. 

Toxic Juice does not help your cells grow; it mutilates them, kills them off, diseases 
wherever they are, makes you sick. And you still wonder what made you sick -> your thoughts. Please do your own research like I did for the past 25 years, and you will come to the same conclusion:


So in closing: consider very carefully if you can or cannot do something, or if you are not willing to do something. Food for thought! Figure out HOW you CAN do it!

And magic will be created!
I sincerely hope you enjoyed reading the information as much as I enjoyed writing it. 

Be well, enjoy life!

Check out my videos:

And as always, the information I just shared with you is based on many years of training from my mentors, my interpretation of that, connecting the dots, observing human behavior in everyday life, my own interpretation of that again and allowing Source Energy to create this information through me. Do your own research; I am merely expressing what I deeply feel, and perhaps if this information resonates with you, it may perhaps help you move forward.

Here we are in the year 2020, we all knew it was coming, so no big surprise.

Yet, have you prepared yourself, do you have a 20/20 vision for 2020?

This will be the best year ever to have that 20/20 vision aka a clear vision for your future, you get a double whammy.

How clear is your vision for 2020 and beyond? What is it that you are crystal clear about that you are going to create for your life?

Learning a new skill?
Getting fit and drop pounds?
Get married, start a family
Change jobs, start a work-from-home income?

What …… ?

New Year, New Decade, so exciting, are you going to follow your heart finally or are you already and are you going to improve on that?

If you have been dreaming, thinking for years about what you would do if you did not have that job you do not like, then this is truly the time to start paying attention to your feelings.

What do you want exactly? Not always easy, but you can start. And writing by hand is always the best way.

Important question could be: What will your perfect day look like?

That’ll get you thinking. Write down a few bullet points and then start to expand on that. Write down how your senses (hear, see, smell, taste and touch) are in the thoughts as well, write them down.

Write down your relationships, with your spouse, friends, your co-workers.
Write down what you do not like, and then write down what you do like it to be.
Are you fulfilled in your work? What is your business like, what would you like it to be like?

How do you take care of you? Fitness, sports, relaxing, reading, DIYs, being of service to others.

The New Year, especially 2020, does not have to be a New You – just start making improvements, tweak yourself, you know what to do, you’ve been thinking about it for a long time, putting it off, yet now is the time. If not now, when? Right?

What about cleaning out your room, your home, make room for new energy to come in, it will give you a new perspective on your life. But in order to do that, you have to let go of old stuff that no longer serves you.

Wipe the cobwebs away in order to see clearly, especially now in 2020! 20/20 Vision for this year and beyond.

Take a clear inventory also of your friends – are they supporting you in anything new, or is it always the same old/same old, you are the initiative taker. Perhaps time to have some serious talks or simply see them less often and shorter till it withers away and new people come in.

Most important to get, have and keep a 20/20 vision is space, room to let new energy come in; clean house where you know you can do. Be surprised not only how good that feels, but also watch as new things, opportunities come to you.

Meditate about how you want this year to unfold, the next 3 years. Do this twice daily, and give thanks for the things you noticed made you feel good during the day. You can also journal about it. I am not that good at doing that, I walk around giving thanks for everything all day long, plus before I close my eyes at night, I say thanks as well to the Universe.

So much has been said and written about Goal Setting and Goal Getting. I followed a lot of that, and then beat myself up joyfully when it did not pan out. 

Don’t make that mistake. Get a clear vision of what direction you want to go, and if you are already going on the right path, great, then envision how you can improve. But do NOT beat yourself up. Listen to your feelings, if it feels good do it, if not, don't!

Everything happens for a reason, and when the time is right, i.e. when you are aligned with the Universe, things move and your world starts to change. Do not write down into the minute detail what you want and when. You may not even notice minute changes, you may just get a small feeling, and then a bit down the line, you look back and go WOW, look at me!

Praise yourself for noticing change. Love yourself for it.

“If you want to make Source Energy/God laugh, tell them your plans!” I’m sure you must have heard that one.

The time has to be right, which means you have to have done your preparation work for things to manifest, meaning you have to be in the right vibration, you have to have made changes within yourself, to receive what it is you Desire.

Then Believe it will come to pass, and lastly Expect it!
Remember, 2020 is your 20/20 – be as clear as you can about the direction you want to do – the Universe will fill in the rest, just trust in that, and expect it.

You do not have to spend a fortune on programs or whatever else is offered to you in this new decade, turn within, meditate, trust your Self, and do the work. You will see the changes unfold without any stress. Just love yourself for doing it this way.

I sincerely hope you enjoyed reading the information as much as I enjoyed writing it. 

Be well, enjoy life!

Check out my videos:

And as always, the information I just shared with you is based on many years of training from my mentors, my interpretation of that, connecting the dots, observing human behavior in everyday life, my own interpretation of that again and allowing Source Energy to create this information through me. Do your own research; I am merely expressing what I deeply feel, and perhaps if this information resonates with you, it may perhaps help you move forward.

ENERGY – the source of all things alive

It starts already the moment you open your eyes, that takes energy, and you look at the clock beside your bed to see if you have to get out of jump out of bed – difference depends on the time, yet the one I like best is looking the clock and realizing it is Sunday so I can turn over one more time, which takes energy as well.

Since I just renewed my energy during my sleeping hours, I should be good to go all day lying in front of me, should I … or? It depends on what kind of food I will nourish myself on from this moment forward – I am not referring to just physical food that I put in my mouth, I am actually as much or perhaps even more referring to the mental food I will nourish myself with to give myself energy to last the day (and more).

It is a given that we need food to stay alive; food like breakfast, lunch, dinner, in between snacks, comfort snacks and whatever-I-like-snacks – that kind of energy, because food is nothing else but energy keeps me going and vibrant or slows me down and wears me down, depending on what ingredients I put in my sustenance. Alive food, meaning not processed to pulp and unrecognizable, artificially flavored and colored morsels, no alive food – all those healthy greens, ripe fruits, lean chicken, turkey and wild fish, quickly sautéed or totally raw, give my body the energy I need – as well as clean water or tea to help my body process it, remember we are 75% water.

If I can provide myself with this kind of sustenance than I am already part of the way, yet what really gets me going is my mental energy, my passion for the day ahead of me, my enthusiasm to get things going, things I was not able to finish yesterday or things that I need to take in steps because that is how the process works.

Mental energy is something you give to yourself as well. Mental energy in first instance is acquired by looking at your life in a positive, optimistic way – that starts to wake up all cells in your body, brings them to a high vibration, a vibration that makes you feel alive, radiant.
Mental energy comes from the thoughts you hold all day long, or how you deal with situations throughout your day, actually throughout your life.

Have you ever observed your thoughts, have you ever thought about what you are thinking about? Very interesting. Here is an acronym you may want to remember: WAIT – What Am I Thinking? Think about that. Print that acronym in various fonts and sizes and then stick it onto your water bottle, the mirror in your car, your wallet, wherever you look often, just as a reminder. Trust me, it will give you energy, because you stir something within yourself, you wake yourself up to your life.

You can create oodles of mental energy that puts your body into action which gives you results, by thinking about what you want to do today and how you are going to handle all of that, and if you have no idea what to do, think about what you would like to do, create something that gets you excited, that gets you to jump out of bed, something you are enthusiastic about because it is new, it is different. And don’t let anybody burst your balloon, just do what your heart tells you to do, you can always adjust the sails as you are sailing along on the winds of the passion you feel bubbling up inside of you for that new project.

Mental energy is also something you get when you (finally after a long time) realize that every challenge, every hurdle, every ‘problem’ is a blessing in disguise, because it helps you to grow through it, become a better person, meet yourself, improve yourself.

Last year has given me oodles of mental energy by realizing more and more that every day brings tons of blessings, however, a bunch of them are wrapped in challenges and problems. I find it exciting to think about them in bed when I wake up and give myself direction on how to handle them.

And then when I have tackled them, I get the reward – more mental energy to move forward to the next challenge, because if there are no more challenges, life becomes utterly boring and my energy gets sapped.

I realize that the Universe never gives me any bigger challenges than I can handle, it is always perfect for me – I have come to this place in my life where I now fully realize this, take responsibility for it and welcome it. Live is good, life is great, I love life, life is energy and I am full of it!

The more your energy is really flowing, wildly perhaps sometimes, the better you feel, would you agree? Why? Simple. When you are energized that means you are feeling happy and what happens then is that you, as a chemical manufacturing plant, create a juice that is released in your bloodstream and nourishes/pampers your cells, it feeds them happiness.
This gives you a happy life feeling, thus this Happy Life Juice is essential for your longevity, as you thrive, you continue to live longer, no physical problem, nothing breaking down, slowing you down, stopping you from a full experience of life.

If, however, you do not feel so good, not energized, you create Unhappy Life Juice that zaps your energy, does not support the health of your cells, which are the building blocks of your body. Your cells mutate, go funky, protest by starting to do their own thing, riot, become weird, create dis-harmony in your body - aka dis-ease!

I sincerely hope you enjoyed reading the information as much as I enjoyed writing it. 

Be well, enjoy life!

Check out my videos:

And as always, the information I just shared with you is based on many years of training from my mentors, my interpretation of that, connecting the dots, observing human behavior in everyday life, my own interpretation of that again and allowing Source Energy to create this information through me. Do your own research; I am merely expressing what I deeply feel, and perhaps if this information resonates with you, it may perhaps help you move forward.

“It’s in the allowing of nothing that something appears” ~ Winnie The Pooh

Though written many years ago, the famous story and characters of Winnie the Pooh never go out of style. Christopher Robin is a wonderful young boy, dreaming his characters coming to life. He talks with them, goes on adventure trips, and shapes his future from the experiences.

Pooh bear, Winnie is his lead play mate, and the author has given all of the animals incredible words to express, which are of course the author’s way of expressing himself.

Recently a movie was made about Christopher and his animals and it was a jolly movie to watch, however, what may not be obvious to the regular viewer, is the deeper meaning of what the author chooses to bring to the foreground about life as a whole. Winnie comes back in Christopher’s life to point out the finer details of life and how he has forgotten them, forgotten to live.

Once this is pointed out to you, you will read the story and see the movie in a totally different light and experience. Fascinating how the story is interlaced with ‘life wisdom’. It may escape many for it is given to us from an ‘animal’ perspective.

You can Google all the special quotes and there are two that particularly stuck in my mind:
“It’s in the allowing of nothing that something appears.”

“Doing nothing often leads to the very best kind of something.”
These 2 phrases actually say the same thing.

We have all been taught that we have to do something in order to get something, nothing comes from nothing. Really? What was the author thinking, where did he get this profound wisdom?

Stepping onto the personal development path leads you to places you often do not expect to find, and this is one of them. It came back to me in a different, playful way, I am not sure who said it but probably Winnie himself.

What does that mean: in the allowing of nothing something appears?

We are all day bombarded with information, the information overload, and what some of us have created for ourselves in order to cope with this reality is a zoning out, meaning, we do not hear or see the majority of the information coming to us. Many people do not do it, the majority thrives on the energy of this information overload, accept it as a normal part of life.

For those who have chosen not to, they have stepped up to a higher level of living; there are many levels of living, not just the basic ‘survival mode’ living, which is what an animal does. The moment you learn that you have a choice in life, that life IS a choice, you step up, and you start to cut out, zone out of all that noise, screaming for your attention. Mostly very unimportant information about the latest movie star, another war starting, the best drug to lose weight or fight cancer and similar topics that do not really contribute to your growth as a human being, capable of so much; mankind still has no idea.

So what then when you zone out, when you take care of yourself, protect yourself, what of that time, that space that is not dedicated to all that ‘media noise’, what do you do with it?

You allow yourself to bask in that emptiness, that beautiful, glowing, soothing quietness, if only for a few moments. The secret lies in the word ‘allow’. Even though many of us think that we know what we want in life, we are still pushing whatever we are pushing to get to our goals, because that is what it is all about.

Forgetting all about the experience, or the journey, along the way, all the little things that pop up. Do we see them? Or are we too busy pursuing that eternal goal? And what is that goal? More money, great partner, holidays, bigger business?

What it is really all about is the experience of everything – being awake, aware of everything that comes up on a daily basis, everything that you asked for to experience, because in the end, YOU have the trump card in hand – you and only you get to choose what you wish to experience.

So in that perceived emptiness, that allowing of nothing, something appears, and what is that?

That is you allowing yourself to receive streaming information, energy, from your connection to the Universe. The energy from the Universe is always streaming to you, the question is then: are you allowing yourself to be open to receive it, ergo are you allowing to use that energy and convert it into thoughts, feelings, actions and the life you desire to live in order to help and guide others to do the same?

It’s been written about in the Bible and many other ancient books, yet, have we been able to understand it to the degree that we apply it, that we understand that we do not need an interpreter to converse with our Soul Energy, our Source Energy, our God Energy? No, we don’t, we don’t need anybody to help us with that. If it’s to be, it’s up to me, literally. I am the only one who can make me happy!

All we have to learn, and this is supposed to have been passed on to us through the generations, yet we allowed institutions to take over that role, thus selling our soul, is getting in touch with our feelings. Our feeling is the language of our soul, the way we communicate with the Source Energy, or God. Do we feel go(o)d, than we are in alignment with our Soul Energy, we are (perhaps on a level unbeknownst to us consciously) open and receiving the streaming Energy that is solely meant for us, to guide us to a glorious life with everything in and on it.

Because that is what we came here to do, live a glorious life, go through ups and downs, challenges and always see the silver lining, knowing there is a good thing contained in every bad thing. And as long as we allow ourselves to know that, to live that way, we live a glorious life. Anything else is basically sub-standard or worse, hardly worth living, that is just grinding it out until we croak, whoopie.

So in that emptiness, in that allowing of the nothingness, you allow Source Energy or God, to stream or give you the information, specifically for you, to move forward on you path of experiences. Nothing happens to you, you all create it, you choose to experience events and thus feelings, feelings of joy (Jubilation Of You!!!) or sadness, because you cannot experience joy if you have never experienced sadness.

One of the Laws of the Universe is the Law of Polarity, stating: there is no up without a down, no in without an out, no light without darkness, and you have to allow yourself to experience them both to understand and appreciate them both.

In the allowing of the nothingness, the emptiness, that beautiful, never ending stream of loving energy comes into you, and at the moment it does, you create a thought from that, and the kind of thought you create is up to you. It can be an active thought, a creative thought, a decisive thought, but all in the positive realm.

With this comes the trust. We have been taught, and probably still are, that we have to fear God. Universal Energy and the likes are still not mainstream terminology, yet it is the same, perhaps better still.

If God is our Father, wouldn’t a father love his offspring, his children? Then why would we fear God? That whole premise goes beyond me. It’s to instill fear, to keep us spellbound, to keep us connected to those institutions teaching that gospel.

I am created from Universal Energy, still totally connected to that Energy, and that Energy loves me beyond measure. I am the matter of the non-physical energy. Remember, physics? Compacted energy becomes matter!

That Source Energy loves me and wants me to have the very best ever experience in a physical body, which I chose BTW, and promised to guide me. Yet once arrived on Planet Earth, that connection was wiped off the table by the establishment in order for me to convert to the powers that are and to be easily manipulated.

With all unhappy and thus sick people everywhere, it is time to go within, to go back to who we are and what we came here to do, and the best way to do that is shut out uninteresting noise information, and be quiet, just sit, meditate or just close your eyes and allow yourself to be open to receive the Universal Energy to guide you in this life. Then acknowledge it, appreciate it and be grateful for it.

I know you will enjoy it!

Leave me a comment, thank you. 

And as always, the information I just shared with you is based on many years of training from my mentors, my interpretation of that, connecting the dots, observing human behavior in everyday life, my own interpretation of that again and allowing Source Energy to create this information through me. Do your own research; I am merely expressing what I deeply feel, and perhaps if this information resonates with you, it may perhaps help you move forward.

I sincerely hope you enjoyed reading the information as much as I enjoyed writing it. Be well, enjoy life!

Stay connected to me:



Recently I found this as said by a London specialist many years ago. How true this is, and it is very profound.

We have feelings about any and everything we do, all they long, as a matter of fact, we do NOT do anything without not having a feeling about it. Without feeling no action!

Feelings or emotions aka energy in motion is what moves us forward; we are energy, nothing else. Energy that is compacted into matter, but still energy. When you go deeper into this, it is very exciting, but for now I will stick to the subject line.

Most of our feelings are anything from sort of neutral to happy or unhappy, depending on who you are and what kind of choices you have been making in your life, and thus created an emotional standard makeup for yourself. This all stems from your exposure to experiences in your early childhood.

If they were good or bad is irrelevant – you can fix them today!

Any situation thus gives you a reason to smile or cry, no matter how small it may be. Smiling is an easy expression of a happy feeling or contentment with your current situation.

When the situation is not happy, sad, or worse, we often have the tendency to stuff it all away, like under the carpet. Put up the stiff upper lip and pretend everything is OK while inside we are feeling really horrible.

We are allowed to cry at certain given sad situations, like death in the family or disasters we witness and cannot process.

But in how many instances have you fought back the tears? Thinking it would not be OK for anybody to see your emotions, your sadness? And what did you do with those emotions then later on? Did you let them out, once you got back home, in the privacy of your home, or your car? Probably not. You kept stuffing them down or rather, you ‘forgot’ about them! Did you? Really?

Here is what takes place when you ‘forget' or 'ignore’ tears you did not cry! As the title says – ‘..... some other organ will cry’ or rather will express it.
How? By becoming dis-eased (not at ease), withering away.

We do not always feel the need to cry, although it sure does relieve the pressure we built up, we like to go back over and over a sad situation we had to deal with, small or big, and those emotions affect our health in a manner most of us do not understand, nor want to take on as real.

It is so much better to express a sad emotion, feeling, through crying it out completely, allowing yourself to really cry it out, and not stop halfway in the arms of some well-meaning person telling us that it is all going to be OK. No, cry it out, give the situation it’s well-deserved attention so you can let it go in a much smoother way, and know that you have dealt with the situation.

This is not feeling sorry for yourself, this is clearing the slate of what you can handle to live a healthy life.

Those who suffer most from this are the men; they are told as young boys that ‘boys don’t cry’! So it is second nature to them to just stuff it away, they almost do not know any better, only to find out later in life that they have all sorts of health issues.

This may be a far cry for you, but every emotion is expressed in the body in some way, and you are in control of expressing that, mostly unbeknownst to you. If you only knew, understand the importance of it, you would cry your eyes out when needed in order to prevent future health challenges.  

And that is what is meant by the title: cry over a sad situation or another body part will get diseased in the future.

Does that mean if you do not cry over 1 isolated issue that you will get sick? No of course not. But people who are trained from childhood on not to cry make that their way of living, they do not know how to deal with sadness, and it is like a constant little gray cloud hanging over their head. They are not the happiest people, and if the do get happy, it is often only for a short period of time, then to return to either the neutral and usually slightly negative feelings.

We are supposed to live expressing ourselves totally, not always in public, yet there is no shame of letting go of your sad emotions and cry in public when you feel it will help you cope better with a situation. However, we are so programmed that when you cry you are a weakling, when actually you are way ahead of the crowd, that we do not do it, and program our offspring to do the same. Keep up appearances!

So what to do when you feel you like to cry?

Just do it, and do not even apologize, explain if you want to what causes you to cry – which is part of the communication between humans, so others can understand – and just do it. Walk away from a situation to be alone and just cry it out. This applies to both women AND men. You will feel so much better, and trust me, others who see you allowing your feelings to be expressed, may even feel they had the guts to do what you are doing – being human.

What if there is no way you can truly cry it out? Try to compose yourself, but once alone, preferably in your car or at home, go over the situation and let it all come out. Make sure you do not give in to the urge to grab a drink, that does not help in the coping and processing of the situation. Just cry it out, put on some nice music and reflect on the situation. Then when you feel ready, decide how to continue on with your life, create a plan for your next steps, and take them.

Sometimes it may also help to call a friend – most often women do this – yet it would be good if men did this as well, and ask them to just listen and talk it out.

We are emotions, energy in motion, make sure you keep the energy in motion. What stagnates may cause physical challenges, disease, decay and worse.

Be human first and foremost, express yourself, your body will thank you for it.

What happens if you do not express your sadness, when you make that a habit? You create toxic chemicals in your body that get into the bloodstream and affect your cells. The repetition and graveness of the sadness will create more concentrated, more toxic substances aka Unhappy Life Juices, because these juices cause you to be unhappy for a longer period of time. In the end it will erode your health and cause diseases nobody has an explanation for. 

So cry it out, get it over and done with, don't drag it out. Sure you can get teary of losses etc. that is only human, but life has so much more to offer when you are positive, smiling, happy. You then create the Happy Life Juices that give you energy because these juices nurture and nourish your cells, thus keeping you vibrant and alive to live a long, happy life.

I sincerely hope you enjoyed reading the information as much as I enjoyed writing it. 

Be well, enjoy life!

Check out my videos:

And as always, the information I just shared with you is based on many years of training from my mentors, my interpretation of that, connecting the dots, observing human behavior in everyday life, my own interpretation of that again and allowing Source Energy to create this information through me. Do your own research; I am merely expressing what I deeply feel, and perhaps if this information resonates with you, it may perhaps help you move forward.

Most of us react to whatever is not immediately understood by us, or if we feel that we are offended in some way, or threatened - we REACT.

This is what an animal does, an animal reacts; it is the fight or flight response to something they do not understand, i.e. their instinct tells them to act this way, re-act -> counter act.

Humans who have not been educated into the awareness of being totally different from animals, i.e. that they have a free will and they create their life, do not understand for the most part the difference between reacting and responding.

Responding is when you use your mind, when you think for a moment what the situation is all about and what the meaning is of the situation (you yourself created for yourself in order to learn more about yourself). This is when you open your mouth and close it again and say nothing. Just think for a moment.

I learned this from one of my mentors who explained the difference between reacting and responding - brilliant! Are you going to take that on? Are you willing to look at your reacting to things, situations and ask yourself:

Hmmmm, what can learn from this? How can I prevent this? What is the best solution here?

Most of the time when you react, you burn your bridges in some way. What you say is usually harsher than you intended - it is a defense mechanism that you can change, if you want to. 

Trust me, it takes time, yet it can be done; you and I can do it, just observe yourself.

You will discover that when you hold your breath for a moment, think, really think, leave the emotions out of the situation, you are far better of. The emotions cause you to react, it is instinct - you do not want to be harmed in any way. But do you want to harm the other.

You will discover that you will have less stress when you respond, you feel happier, and proud of yourself that you handled that situation like a mature person.

It is also better for your health; reacting sets your entire body up for the flight, every part of your body is in more or less ways flooded with adrenaline. Ever felt warm or hot when you reacted to something? Observe yourself. That is your body getting ready to take action. 

Do you really need all that adrenaline in your bloodstream, is the situation really that bad? Don't let a simple situation get out of hand, because your reaction calls for a reaction from the other side as well, and soon this all escalades and nobody is really happy with that.

When you respond, think, you feel in control, happy, and what you do is you create a chemical juice in your body aka Happy Life Juice, that enhances the wellbeing of your cells, i.e. your entire body. Reacting does the opposite, especially if you do it often enough it will erode the wellbeing of your cells, leading eventually to dis-ease in your body.

So let's do it, let's become a better person, not only for ourselves, but also for those who are around us, like our kids, family, friends or co-workers. Are we not on this planet to help others? With whatever it takes to create a better life and have more joy?

This is the start of that - go for it, you will notice dramatic shifts in your life, for the better.

I sincerely hope you enjoyed reading the information as much as I enjoyed writing it. 

Be well, enjoy life!

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And as always, the information I just shared with you is based on many years of training from my mentors, my interpretation of that, connecting the dots, observing human behavior in everyday life, my own interpretation of that again and allowing Source Energy to create this information through me. Do your own research; I am merely expressing what I deeply feel, and perhaps if this information resonates with you, it may perhaps help you move forward.


Today is it totally normal to own a computer. Actually, if you do not have a computer, it is looked upon as not being up to par nowadays. Although many  people use their cellphone as their computer.

Yet, isn’t interesting to realize that up to some 30 years ago, computers were sort of non-existent. We decided that the repetition of certain tasks had to be done by a machine; like turn a habit over to the machine, and then the computer was created.

We created the entire concept of a machine taking over our human tasks based on how we program ourselves – repetition. Doing something over and over and taking the emotion or feeling out of it, the conscious awareness, is called a habit.

Humans love habits, actually we do not know any better than that most of our lives are habits. Some good, some bad, some really bad. We have not learned to understand this procedure at all, only a very few have, and once you understand it, you can reprogram your bio-computer.

That is what we are, bio-computers. The computers were created as an offspring of our own genius mind, made in the likeness of it.

As a bio-computer, we are programmable, and we are. We have been programmed from day one on this planet. Hard to believe yet true. 

Then, once we discover that what we were programmed with was not really to our benefit, and we seek re-programming, some like to call that brain-washing. Anything that may be for your good and does not mash with what is considered ‘the norm’, is labeled brainwashing. Pretty short-sighted unfortunately.

Even before we make our appearance on this planet, we are vibrationally programmed. While still in the womb we pick up the vibration of our mother as well as from the people around her.

We live in a vibrational universe; everything vibrates, even though with the naked eye we are unable to see that. Scientists have proven it with microscopes that in the end all that is is just vibration.

We have translated the word vibration into feeling. You will not ask someone how they are vibrating; you will ask them how they are feeling. One and the same thing. A feeling is a translation of vibration given off by your mind to your brain and transferred into the body to express itself.  And that expression of vibration or feeling is seen clearly for the most part.

Just watch a child jump and skip, they are happy; or watch them sit quietly withdrawn in a corner, they are unhappy. As an adult, you know those feelings yourself as well.

Try this: Stand up straight, stretch your arms out high to the sky, put a smile on your face and feel miserable, depressed. Doesn’t work, does it?
The other way round is the same; slumped over in a corner and feeling exuberantly happy does not work. Your body is the expression of the feeling or vibration given off by your mind.

The question is now: can we put other software in our brain, because the one I have is not making me happy, is actually obsolete?
I want to feel good all the time, and I do not, now what do I do??

As a child, before we start to truly understand what is going on in this magnificent world, we were always happy. Then we are exposed to the influences of vibration of our parents or caretakers. We intuitively pick up their vibration, we tune into it and mirror it. Parents happy, child happy; parents not happy, child holds back and will not be so happy, even though happiness is their natural state of being, the natural state of a human being.

We have been programmed in early childhood that all is good, and all is fun. We would celebrate feeling the goodness, we would celebrate our wins; our parents would applaud us. We would feel proud of ourselves, we’d be happy. Although this is of course not always the case; stressful, dysfunctional parents or family -> stressful, depressed child.

Then we go to kindergarten and everything changes. We are programmed in a different way; in preparation for the real world – it really starts this young.
One of the things you are programmed with is that feeling good all the time and being proud of yourself, of what you have accomplished, is considered bragging.

Bragging is not accepted! Period.

You are supposed to stay humble, more like a doormat; so what do you do as a child? You stop celebrating your wins and stop talking about them. You sort of poopoo them, shove them to the side as ‘Oh, that’s nothing.” Horrible.

Celebrating is feeling good; parties with general celebration are good, you celebrating yourself is not good, not accepted, so you stop doing it.

And that will bite you in the butt.

Because when you are an adult, and you have accomplished something good, or great, you do not celebrate it to the extent it makes you feel good about yourself, nor repeat that often which would do you a world of good. You would raise your vibration and with that create an ecstatic feeling in your body that would shield off anything that is of a lower vibration and that could possibly harm you in any way. You would be invincible, and by not celebrating you deprive yourself of that.

Feeling good, celebrating, is not something you can do when someone tells you to do so. It has to come from inside, it has to be organic, from you, from that old familiar feeling you had as a child.

How do you do that?

Well, you were able to do it once, so you can do it again. Does it take some work? Sure, yet how badly do you want it?

In your meditation, call up that feeling of celebration by remembering any kind of celebration and feel it again, and again, and again. Set the intention in your meditation to celebrate yourself, praise yourself, no matter how small the accomplishment.

Savor the flavor of it and watch how good you start to feel and how your life will change.

Celebrate any opportunity you get, just do it by yourself and feel proud of yourself, praise yourself continuously. You deserve it, feel good about yourself, love yourself.

You see, we all want to be happy and healthy, and probably live a long life.
If you do not celebrate yourself, if you do not love yourself, you create something called Unhappy Life Juice. You are a chemical manufacturing plant; production is orchestrated by the thoughts you hold over a longer period of time, recurring ones, the ones that humm in the background, like in the crockpot. That juice blends in with your blood and is flowing to your cells where it does damage, it prevents nutrition to penetrate the cells; cells may mutate or simply die off. The result is dis-ease in the organ, in the body.

When you are feeling happy (for no reason - great book by Marci Shimoff!!) you create Happy Life Juice that nourishes, nurtures, pampers the cells of your body with the result that you feel great, fantastic, alive, no diseases whatsoever, loads of energy, big smile, simply HAPPY, and a long life!

YOU and only YOU are in total control of the wellbeing of your body, nobody else - it is your mindset and your thoughts that determine the health of your body, by expressing your feelings in your body. Scientifically proven by now. Do your own research.

A good book to read on this topic is: Biology of Belief by Dr. Bruce Lipton.

And as always, the information I just shared with you is based on many years of training from my mentors, my interpretation of that, connecting the dots, observing human behavior in everyday life, my own interpretation of that again and allowing Source Energy to create this information through me. Do your own research; I am merely expressing what I deeply feel, and perhaps if this information resonates with you, it may perhaps help you move forward.

I sincerely hope you enjoyed reading the information as much as I enjoyed writing it. 

Be well, enjoy life!

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